If a pounding heart rate, parched throat, sweating, anxiety, nervousness, and sheer helplessness are some of the symptoms you feel during a flight, then you have Aerophobia. Many fearful fliers feel irrational anxiety that their aircraft will malfunction and crash, no matter how many times they hear the data about how safe flying is compared to driving. Other travelers worry about terrorist hijackings or panic at the idea that they're not in control of the aircraft that's carrying them.
Tips to Overcome Fear of Flying
These are specific steps you can take to help alleviate your fears.
Anxiety thrives on ignorance and feeds on “what if “? Destructive thoughts. But once you become knowledgeable, your “what if" facts limit thoughts. Become familiar with the facts. Learn more about flight dynamics, aviation safety, and aviation records. The aviation industry is still the most efficient and safest field of transport globally. Learn about the various safety measures of an airplane, such as automatic oxygen masks, seat belts, neon strips, emergency lights, indicators, instructions, door slides, and emergency exits. Learn the basics of how airplanes work. Even if an engine fails, the plane still continues to fly.
Talk To The Cabin Crew About Your Fright:
The cabin crew is there to distract your attention and keep you calm. Let them know you're a nervous flyer when you board the plane, and don't be afraid to ask questions if you're worried about anything that's happening. It's also very much important to remember that there is nothing wrong unless you are told otherwise despite any noise or bumps.
Get Some Good Sleep And Stay Hydrated:
the best way to spend a short flight duration is with a good sound sleep. Nothing beats sleeping to drive away your fear of flying; drink water at frequent intervals and try to get some good sleep. Use mask, earplugs, seat cushions, and neck pillows for a comfortable nap
Avoid Caffeine:
Caffeine is a stimulant that can be bad for someone with flight anxiety. The jittery effects caffeine has on your body resemble those of a frightening event. Past studies have shown that caffeine can worsen anxiety and even trigger a panic attack. So you should eliminate caffeine products 72 hours before you fly.
Another way to combat your flying anxiety is to stay active and exercise regularly. It may sound obvious, but it can make a difference. Exercise releases endorphins that work as an antidepressant and can release anxiety and make you feel good. Additionally, exercise can take your mind off of your anxious thoughts, allowing you to shift your mind away from negative thinking cycles.
Massage Your Pressure Points:
Acupuncturists maintain that points in the neck and shoulder can be massaged to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety. So it's worth asking for a quick rub from a traveling companion if you feel the tension building as you are on board. Hands massages are also recommended by staff. Get a partner to place a thumb in your palm and apply pressure in sweeping motions outwards towards the fingers.
Try learning deep breathing techniques and mind-calming and self-assurance methods to control your emotional turbulence. Try shifting attention away from scary thoughts to non-threatening things in your environment. Meditation is very important.
Turbulence may be uncomfortable, but it's not necessarily dangerous. Turbulence is caused by nature. It is perfectly safe because the aircraft is built to withstand even the most severe turbulence. If you have your seat belt on then, you are perfectly safe.
Listen To Good Music:
Invest in a good MP3 player and noise cancellation headphones. Download the device with your favorite songs, playlists, and plenty of soothing music. As soon as you board the flight, put on your headphones and start your mp3 player. Close your eyes and focus on the music and lyrics. Listening to music will surely relax your frayed nerves and help you lighten the fear of flying.
Keep Some Snacks handy so that you can relish them during your flight. Carry your favorite biscuits, cookies, chocolates, cakes, chips, etc. These food items will not only fight the hunger pangs but will also ensure comfort during your troubled moments. A snack tends to bring relief and assurance to your mind.
Fly Again And Again And Again:
As with everything in life, as they said, practice makes you perfect. The more you fly, the more you will be relaxed. The first flight is always frightful, but if you can keep going for a short-haul journey, you’ll get used to all the procedures and familiarity. This will help you overcome your fears.