Dangerous Tourist Attractions around the World - The Traveller


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Dangerous Tourist Attractions around the World

Dangerous Tourist Attractions
Life is very short. The desire to make the most out of one’s life and live it to the fullest is what motivates many people to travel in the first place. Many people want to spend their vacation on the beaches while others prefer their vacation with adventure on their list. Everyone’s vacations are different. Some tourist destinations do not always guarantee safety. We have to take precaution ourselves.

Below is a list of some of the most dangerous tourist destinations around the world.

Colorado Rivers – Colorado: white water rafting is a popular tourist attraction in Colorado. When the temperature rises the snow melts from the mountains and results in dangerously Swift River.

New Smyrna Beach Florida: there is no doubt that New Smyrna beach is beautiful. It’s also a popular current place to catch a wave, drawing surfer from all over the states and beyond. The beach is lured by a bounty of smaller fish. Sharks are commonly sighted around New Smyrna Beach which has created a havoc .This beach has become known as the worlds shark bite capital.

Mount Everest- Tibet and Nepal: The world’s highest mountain is no easy climb. Altitude sickness can be deadly. Mount Everest death Zone above 26000 feet is particularly dangerous for its low levels of oxygen and low atmospheric pressure. The most common causes of death on the mountain are avalanches and falls.

Dangerous Tourist Attractions
Mount Huashan –Shaanxi China: it is a death defying hike on Mount Huashan. Visitors walk across thin planks bolted to the sides of the mountain held together with staples at 7000 feet. Some of the tourist feels that it is a most dangerous hike, but other says that it’s actually the safest place on the mountain because it’s the only place where harnesses are required.

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland’s: The stunning and staggering cliff of Moher attracts about a million visitors annually. Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, the sandstone along with the rough waters rises nearly 400 feet above the danger level making a gorgeous view. Thought the exact number of deaths here is unknown, several reports of deadly falls have been recorded. The reason behind the fall was the steep slopes, uneven ground, and a lack of safety rails, rain and strong winds. When the winds are considered too strong the destinations are closed during that time. Unfortunately the cliffs of Moher are also known for suicides.

Action park, New Jersey USA: it was one of the first places to open a wave pool in U.S. in 1978. But on opening day about 100 swimmers has to be rescued from the wave pool. Many places have called the park the most dangerous ever.

Death valley USA: This stunning desert holds the record for the highest temperature every recorded on earth. No matter how tough you think you are the searing heat from the blazing sun will make you exhausted very quickly. Without water you will only be able to survive here for as little as 14 hours.

Bikini Atoll, The Marshall islands: this island might look like a paradise on Earth, but due to numerous nuclear tests, it is actually highly radioactive. The people in that area were forced to abandon their homes. Even to this day it is a hazardous place for living organism. The high level of radiation that has been recorded here also causes a wide range of cancers. All these sites are known to be dangerous. Experienced adrenaline junkies have also not survived. So while we encourage you to follow your adventuring dreams are sure to do so with utmost caution.

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