
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Travel Advice: Experiencing Something Thrilling At least Once In A Life Time

Travel Advice
Life is the most beautiful gift we have, but you never know how long you have until it’s over. Most of us really never explore the endless possibilities life has to offer. But there are certain experiences everyone needs in their lives that make them evolve as a PERSON. It is necessary that we can all live our lives to their absolute fullest by taking every opportunity to try something new that comes our way, something that makes us scream, something that makes us think, something that make us feel completely different to our normal lives. Here are few things every man needs to experience before dying.

Living in a strange country: going somewhere to a new place all alone is something not everyone gets to experience. Do it while you can and discover your true self. So let’s find a beautiful place to get lost in.

Solo travel: There are some places in life where you can only go alone, where you have no family or friends. There is something really interesting about vacationing alone. You can do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it, for as long as you want to do it, without having to consider anyone else. People also tend to be very friendly to you when you’re travelling alone. It is a great way to meet new people and make friends from different countries and cultures. So pack your bags and head out on a journey without any company, without the surety of having someone around. The ideas may seem scary, but trust us you’ll discover a new side to your personality.

Go to a night club on your own and make some new friends: All of us get way too comfortable in our daily routines. We hang out with the same people, frequent same place and even stay stuck in the same jobs for years. Step out of your comfort zone pick a night and head out to the city on your own, Hit up some bars and nightclubs where you’ll be forced to talk to people. Otherwise you’ll look like a creeper weirdo if you just stand in the corner by yourself. You’ll be surprised how much fun it can be.

Rage wine war in La Rioja Spain: each year several villages in La Rioja spend an entire day soaking each other in red wine. One of the truly great events of the Spanish summer, the Wine war is a wine fight of epic and historic proportions. In history of the Haro Wine Festival leads to a land dispute between the people of Haro and the neighbouring village, Miranda del Ebro, but in the good humoured but frantic battle that rages, there are no oblivious sides, and no winner or loser, instead the object is perfectly straightforward to squirt, hose, blast or throw some 25000 litres over as many people as possible. You also won’t be spared as a spectator, so you may as well join in.

Try a new restaurant: Eating solo forces you to be mindful of what you’re consuming, allowing you to appreciate subtle flavours and scents while taking your time to enjoy the whole sensory experience, to maximise the effect, don’t fill in the void with electronic or other distractions, keep the focus on the food and how much it is to eat.

Something scary: Everyone should do something that terrifies them at least once in their life like flying on an airplane or going bungee jumping .Think about all the time you spend worrying about something that scares you. If you’re terrified of speaking in public or scared of heights you should try facing them at least once. 

So do what you want to do when you get a chance, don’t wait for tomorrow or someday. If you get the opportunity to-day then opt for it.

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