
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Zytglogge: All about Bern's Clock Tower


Zytglogge: The clock with many exciting features!

The world is full of mysteries and there are a lot to discover in a limited time span. Well, there are many wonderful and heart touching stories that revolve around the only one word mystery. If you travel to the heart of Switzerland, the city of Bern has a clock which has a strong historical background.

The visitors are explained in details about the clock and its different parts. The clock named as Zytglogge is something very special with some exciting features and historical background. It steers an hourly performance integrating a dancing entertainer named Chronos. The parading bears flips the hourglass and opens its wide mouth after each interval of an hour.


When you travel to distant world, you need to bring back memories about the place. The clock should not be underestimated as the tower has been influenced by the then young patent none other than Einstein and the thought process has changed about the universe.

There is a huge gathering near the clock when the Zytglogge clock is about to strike 12 at noon. There is a different story during the rainy seasons. The caretaker has a lot to do for the Zytglogge clock. Along with other assistants, he winds the Zytglogge clock which is a daunting task. The masterpiece rings every 15 minutes. The residents live with the sound of the masterpiece and it is very soothing. You can have the sound recorded in your travel diaries.


The great scientist has spent a lot of time here. He was sitting in a streetcar when his watch was ticking but the mega watch was stopped. At this point of time a theory generated in him and it was nothing other than “theory of relativity”.

Later there was a great explanation about the space time and its effect on time, energy and mass. The tower sang the sound of ticking of the pendulum which seemed to grow louder with each swing. Here if you sit nearby and ponder upon the theories of the scientist, you would be lost. Really, indeed time acts as a relative. Time passes very fast here and you would sense with the striking sound.


The Zytglogge clock will sometime puzzle you and sometime it will please you. The machine is sure to put you under spell and it will leave you perplexed. Sometimes it will move fast and sometimes, it will move slowly. The caretaker often put the clock to a halt with jammers for repairing.

And finally, time stops and you will be stupefied. He would again restart the machine and finally everyone can relax. There is always a message in the sound of the clock and the residents have been adhering to it for centuries. The message is very simple which is time is moving on and so you need to enjoy the next hour of your life. Really when you travel, you get to carry huge amount of memories.

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