How You Can Travel the World Cheaper, Longer, and Smarter
A medicinal therapy that has the capability to show result both on our mind and body is ‘traveling’. There’s nothing more rejuvenating and character building than traveling to new and unknown parts of the world. Solo traveling is in trend and there are several destinations around the world apt for budget travel addicts.Autumn is nearly over, and winter’s forward marching towards us, it is that time of the year when you should probably take a break and travel the world. Consider traveling as a part of knowing who you is, if you never travel you’ll probably miss out an interesting chapter. The world is not as small as it seems, start a world tour and you’ll see places and experience things completely unheard of. That’s the beauty of traveling the world.
Ditch your regular caffeine
The basic appeal of traveling around the world is experiencing new and exciting adventures. Always opt for places to travel that suits your taste. Only then will you be able to please your soul and do things that you fall in love with. If you want to budget travel the world, pre-plan all the activities you’re planning, make a list of the places you’ll visit, and estimate all your costs. Let’s get one thing straight; budget traveling does not include your morning coffee from Starbucks. Instead, you will go and try out different types of coffees available at the local cafes in the places you’re visiting.
Cutting down expenses
Hotels around the world have become quite pricey, in fact is has now become impossible to get a decent hotel room for a small amount. You need big bucks for affording luxury services especially if you’re visiting more than 5 countries. Instead of living in a hotel room, try staying in hostels, camps, shared weekly pg’s etc. there are in fact rooms available in hostels available around the world where you can rent rooms for a few days at a nominal amount. Cutting down on hotel costs will help you save a lot of your hard earned cash, and you’ll be able to invest more on food and daily activities.
Local soulful food
Food is another important and expensive item of the list for every budget traveler. Yes! Food is also the most important item on the list. You may or may not like eating but you’ll have to spend quite amount of money on food while touring the world. How to cut short your cost? Ditch the pricey restaurants; do not enter a restaurant with waiters dressed in formals. Instead, try tasting the local cuisines at small eateries and shacks on the streets. The street food around the world actually is the best way of knowing the different cultures. Every cuisine tastes different, and every dish will build a palette that you’ll love possessing.
No matter which part of the world is on you budget travel list, always save some extra money for shopping. There’s no better feeling than possessing items that you’ve collected on your tours. Decorate your living room with the items you’ve collected and experience a unique joy.