Driving to the South Pole is the Coolest Road Trip You Can Have - The Traveller


Monday, April 24, 2017

Driving to the South Pole is the Coolest Road Trip You Can Have

South Pole
Antarctica is the highest, driest, coldest, windiest and emptiest place on earth. Ninety eight percent of it is covered by ice and at its deepest point. The ice is nearly three miles thick.It has one of the most extreme climates in the world. Weather is first of the many challenges. Passengers need at least 10 DAYS to complete the driving circuit to the South Pole and back.

There are a number of activities in Antarctica. Now Tourism has grown at an extraordinary rate.

Travelers usually prefer to try something new like the undiscovered drive that’s driving to the South Pole. People call it as a tourist trip but it is not, it’s an expedition. This trip is more for the people who have a fascination for Antarctica but don’t’ want to go with a huge crowd on a cruise. They would like to do something different to stretch themselves and understand their own potential. Driving down to the South Pole is their dream.

The ice road to the South Pole was built by U.S. contractor from 2001 to 2004 to enable the national science foundation to supply its science base sat the pole using crawler tractors and sleds.Antarctica is a hell of a place for a car. The conditions are so harsh that driving here is like driving on the moon.Wind is the most detrimental factor, sometimes visibility can be zero on certain days, and you can be snowed in.
So those days you’d have to stay in camp, play cards and wait for the first clearing Travelers need to pass fitness evaluations so that they are capable to handle the extreme conditions. People have to lose a lot of weight on these trips, because the body is working much harder to keep them warm.Surviving in this barren penguin inhabited wasteland requires some of the most extreme land vehicles in the world.

The average snow thickness is about 8000 feet and just two percent of the continent mass is exposed everything else is covered by ice and snow. Therefor all the vehicles are designed to operate off road. Vehicles have to be capable of operating at ground pressure of less than 20psi which means usually big tundra tires. The snow isn’t like powder; it has really low moisture content and quiet hard.

There are certain heavy vehicles that can be used to drive like the Tucker Sno- Cat, Hagglund, Mar-1 Humvee, Ford E Series Vans, Antarctica1 Volkswagen beetle etc.

To make your drive a little easier Artic truck provides specialized outerwear to keep travelers as appropriately dressed as possible. You have a wonderful treatment by the chef with lovely food and champagne. Staffer makes you’ll comfortable with the weather by providing hot water bottles under your pillow.It sounds like a luxury hotel experience..

This is the world toughest drive and a race across the most dangerous place on earth.

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