How to Plan a Trip Along with Your Pet - The Traveller


Saturday, March 11, 2017

How to Plan a Trip Along with Your Pet

If you have a pet then you know that making travel plans includes deciding whether to take them with you or leave them in the care of a sitter or boarding facility’s.

A trip cannot be enjoyed if your four legged member of the family can’t come along. But travelling with a pet can be highly stressful both for you and your pet, but also it can be a wonderful and bonding experience or not so pleasant one. It all depends on proper planning and preparation.

Not all pets are suited for travel. Lot depends upon their temperament and physical impairments or suffers from an illness. The best thing is to consult your veterinarian.

To ensure you have a safe and comfortable journey here are some tips.

Identification tags are very important for your pet before setting out for a trip. If you should become separated from your pets their identification is the surest way they will find their way back to you. Usually veterinarian recommends fitting a microchip in them which serves as an ID Tags.

Choose what is safest and the most comfortable travel for your pets.

BY CAR:The safest way for your dog to travel in the car is in a crate that has been anchored to the vehicle using a seat belt. Seat belt are also useful from preventing them to roam around the car otherwise they will distract the driver. Always keep your pets in the behind seat to prevent them form any injury.

See that the head of the dog is not out of a window where injury can be caused by particles of debris or fall sick due to cold air. Stop frequently to allow your pet to exercise and eliminate, but see that they have their leash, a collar and their ID card. Last thing never leave your pet alone in the car for a long time, because the heat can take a toll on them.

BY AIR: Dogs with pushed in face like the bulldogs, pugs and Persian cats are risky to make them travel by plane, because of their short nasal passages leave them especially vulnerable to oxygen deprivation and heat stroke. If you decide to fly with your pets, cabin is the only option depending on the size of your pet.

Take precaution when your pet is going through the security screening. See that you pet is securely harnessed.

Animals flying in the cargo area should be kept a strict watch. Some of them are killed or injured, because of the hot and cold temperament,poor ventilation and rough handling.

Always use direct flight and travel on the same flight along with your pet, make sure that your pet nails have been clipped to protect them against getting hooked in the carriers, door holes and other crevices.

BY SHIP:Very few cruise liners welcome pets. Some of them permit pets in private cabins, but most confine pets to kennels. Find out its policies and which ship has kennel facilities. Be sure the kennel is protected from elements and check on your pet.

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