What to Do If You Lose Your Luggage In Another Country - The Traveller


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What to Do If You Lose Your Luggage In Another Country

It is one of a traveller’s worst nightmares. When you realise that your baggage is lost it is really irritating. There are many instances where your baggage can be lost either by airlines or left some where not remembering where it was last.

We can take some precaution relating to baggage lost in transit by the airlines. Sometime lost bags are only delayed as airlines have sophisticated systems of tracking them down and can do it within few hours, sometimes chances are there that the bags are simply got on the wrong flight.

It is an awful experience when an airline loses your luggage and it happens to hundreds of passengers experience every single day. They are left only with the clothes they have travelled in and will be spending most of the money on last minutes T- shirts and toiletries to carry with them.

Don’t panic first thing talk to the representative of your airlines you have travelled at the airline baggage counter, which can be found near the baggage carousel. Always keep the luggage receipt for every bag you checked when you first arrived at the airport .This will help the attendant to determine if your luggage is delayed, left in transit or lost.

Always know certain law about the airlines like the airlines will pay reasonable expenses until they are found.so receipt s is important. If your luggage is deemed lost, many airlines claim allowance, which is usually printed on the back of your ticket, it is important to take these claim allowances into careful consideration especially when you are packing.

There are certain prevention that can eliminate hassles:

Avoid connecting flights when you are planning your air travel. Take off all the old tags from the flight you have already travelled, as these may confuse the person responsible for sending the luggage.

Always see that the correct destination tags are attached to the bags.

Put a label on the bag with the address and phone numbers. Use something to differentiate your suitcase such as color ribbon to help avoid someone with similar looking bag from taking it by mistake.

The best way to identify your suitcase more easily is by taking a snap shot.

The airline can take few hours to a month to locate your bag and another four weeks to three months to reimburse you. For that they will offer you travel voucher worth more than the cash they owe you. But you should make sure those aren’t expired or blackout dates.

Always keep your packing list in your carry bag along with a pair of clothes if required when baggage are lost. This way you won’t forget anything of important when the airlines representative asks you to submit the itemised list of what you packed.

Never assume that your delayed luggage will be delivered to you for free. Negotiate with the airline first.

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