Around The World with a Spoon and a Fork - The Traveller


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Around The World with a Spoon and a Fork

Spoon and a Fork
I think it’s a part of a whole culture of manners. If you come across the rules of how to handle food in etiquette books there will be things like SOUP must be drunk from the edge of the soup spoon or how to eat a peach with a fork. There are also other reasons why people eat with a spoon and fork. Generally they prefer because they don’t want to pick things up and eat them with their fingers. They don’t want their fingers to get sticky and some people want to remain dignified and graceful while having their meal. There are variety of spoon and fork like the cocktail fork, soup spoon, dessert fork, dessert spoon, a nice-cream fork as well as separate knives and forks for fish, Pastry fork and a fondue fork.

Most of the countries use spoon and fork but very few don’t use they prefer eating with their bare hands.Overall I think this should not be labelled as table manners. The table manners are what the society makes it compulsory to accept it. All these create only cultural differences and preferences. With all these table manners there will always be communal standards depending on what kind of community a person came from.

In the upcoming generation there has been new method of serving meals like the starters, main courses and desserts, where before they didn’t have all these courses and so they had a very few items of cutlery. But now a spoon and a fork have to be kept on the counter.

Spoons also has become one of the important cutlery in everyday life you can say it is good way of hygiene and handling food.

Using different types of spoon for different purpose is also important you can’t use any spoon for any other purpose so spoon plays a very important role in human life. Fork and spoon can be used to eat in any hand depending upon individual whether they are left handed or right handed.

Some countries do not use fork and a spoon especially Japan and China they use chopstick. So one must respect their culture/racial differences and eat as per their country. In Thailand it is consider rude to put food in your mouth using a fork. The food is traditionally eaten with a spoon and fork.

In Cambodia and Laos it is something different. The cutlery is served at the table in a half glass of boiling water to sterilize them.

While dining in chile always make sure you use cutlery as touching food with your hands is considered rude.
So always go with the trend while dining in any country.

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