Three Days Vacation on the Paradise Island: Mauritius - The Traveller


Friday, January 6, 2017

Three Days Vacation on the Paradise Island: Mauritius

Usually this place is well known for honeymoon couples. But apart from them many other tourists also visit these places because of the gorgeous beaches in the world with powdery whitesand and warm azure waters. It is not only confined to beaches but there are many other activities like historicsights and lushforest there one can spend their beautiful holidays.

The streetfood in Mauritius is amongst the best in the world. It has a unique mix of Chinese, Indian,African and Creole dishes. It is full of different flavours like spices and variety of colours.

Instead of travelling in a car driven by a driver t is better to rent a car and drive yourselves.

When you drive on your own you discover a secret beach or stumble uponarestaurant and explore the hidden villages. Make sure you drive along Mauritius southerncoast .It got the best island to offer. Also you won’t forget the feeling of wind hitting your face as you drive through the winding roads to reach the southernmost tip of the island at Gris.

While driving you will be surrounded by teaplantation and enveloped with fog. If you are a tea enthusiast you could take guided must not forget to dine at the terrace restaurant. It offers stunning view of the island Mauritius and an extensive variety of teas on the menu.

Make sure you wander through a few sugarcane fields while you are in Mauritius. Sugarcane has a long history in this place.It is possible to sample a variety of sugars here.Don’t leave Mauritius without trying a glass of fresh sugarcane juice.

The people over here are warm, cheerful,welcoming and very helpful. The highlight of any trip is the people. If ever you lose your way then random strangers helps you with the directions.

The coloured earth at Chamarel is a little known village in South Mauritius which hold many surprises. Thecoloured earth with different colours like purple, yellow, oranges and red coalesce forms anduneven volcanic surfaces. The drive to Chamarel is punctuated by waterfalls and gorges. Don’t miss on visiting the view points for rugged panoramas of the mountainous areas of Mauritius.

Explore the beautiful beaches like BELLE MARE BEACH, LA CUVETTEBEACH AND LE MORNE. If you are a lover for kite surfing then Morne is the best place for you.

Mauritius is a secret rumparadise. Jamaica might be known for producing the best rum in the world, but Mauritius isn’t far behind.

There are various watersport activities such as snorkelling; deep-sea diving, deep-sea fishing, parasailing and scuba diving. You canalso experience under sea walk which is something very unique.

Skydiving for the first time is an unforgettable experience and when combined with the views over paradise on earth, a sky dive in this place will stay in your memory bank forever.

Therefore the only way to experience the true nature of the island and the people is to get out and mix around.

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