
Monday, January 16, 2017

5 do’s and don’ts in Travel photography

Travel photography
People love to take photographs while travelling so that they can keep it as a remembrance for the future. But there are some do and don’t step to be followed while removing a beautiful snap.


Firstly always ask permission before taking any photography of any public places especially the markets stalls. It is really easy to get caught up in the beauty and excitement of being somewhere new and seeing new things. So it is best to practise to ask someone before taking a picture. If they are saying no don’t worry just say thanks and move on.

People usually love to wake up late in the morning when on vacations. But they forget that sunrise and sunset gives the best light no matter what your style of photography is, you need light.

When the sky is cloudy tourist tend to feel very upset because of the bad weather. But remember in broad daylight it filters out harsh sunlight and give you much better photos.

Always keep safety in mind. Don’t pressure yourself to get the best and the most daring photos. Travel Photography is stunning in sometimes the simplest forms, so no need to hang off the edge of a cliff.

If you are travelling to somewhere completely new do some research first to make sure you are aware of the don’ts for that specific location .Follow the rules carefully because of your safety.

Go to a popular location at unpopular times such as early morning before the crowd rolls in, where you can really enjoy your sightseeing with minimum amounts of tourist.

Do be aware that a selfie stick can also act as a weapon .Use it carefully and responsibly.

Don’t worry about getting the perfect shot. It takes the fun of adventure away. There will always be another sunset and sunrise and another new street around the corner.

Don’t ignore the signs in Museum or sacred places stating photography is forbidden. Respect the request.

Always be considerate and courteous. It is easy to block paths, create pedestrian jams and get in the way. Therefore operate with efficiency and purpose to get the shot you want without disrupting anyone else.

Do brush up on local customs and traditions before you get snapping .So that you are aware of the cultural differences.

Don’t put yourself and others at risk to achieve a Stellershot. Always be aware of your surroundings and put safety first before you.

Finally make sure you spend at least half the time at those pictures taken by you. Also take a look at the scenery around you without looking through a screen. Capturing memories is important but so is enjoying the moment.

With everything in life taking photos while travelling should always remain fun and exciting. Never take yourself too seriously and keep snapping.

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