How to Travel Well On a Budget - The Traveller


Friday, November 11, 2016

How to Travel Well On a Budget

When you ask someone what they wish to do more in life they say touring the world, but in a low tone they say money is important for travelling. Travelling on a budget is good in away that you are forced to spend your money on the things that you need only. It also makes you realise how one must be careful about luxuries where you really can’t live without it.

Keeping budget plan in your head you can travel more often withoutbreaking thebank. Travelling on a tight budget can be done easily .Everything really matters is your needs and wants. One can also travel on a budget with whatever money he has saved for a very long time, but one thing remember go to the right place where you will save a lot of money. If the budget is tight go to a cheaper country. In case of a stay in expensive countries cut on your cost.

Here are some tips how one can have a good holiday while keeping budget in mind. 

Planning In Advance: 

Always decide your destination early and start finding out different packages or deals. Everythinggets more expensive the longer you wait. E.g. Air ticket andHotel reservation. Try booking a connecting flight where a chunk of money can be saved.

Avoid Travelling During Peak Period: 

Going out on OFF-PEAK times can seriously cut cost. Peak times can wary depending on your destination, but try not to go during a major holiday, spring and summer breaks.

Travel Light: 

Remember not to use oversized bags whenever possible. Try to keep one bag per person, otherwise you will charged for the extra luggage.

Plan Your Meals: 

Figure out where you will be and eat before you go out. This will help you to find economical restaurants that taste great.


A big part of your budget goes to accommodation cost and your money will go a long way if yousave a lot on your lodging. When you travel you spend a lot of your time in sightseeing the full day. The only times you need to spend in your hostel is when you eat, sleep and shower. Hostels arevery popular especially for the back packers since they offer dormitory rooms for an affordable price. The other way is to rent an apartment which is cheaper than a room in a hotel.

Work Abroad: 

If you really can’t afford to travel the best way is to work aboard. Be it the cruise liners or be a nanny or a teaching job.

Skip The Souvenirs: 

If you want to bring something back for friends and family, get something simple like a coaster from a bar or a shell off a beach. If you want to remember locations snap a picture with your phone.

Save Money On Transportation: 

An overnight train ride or a bus ride saves the cost of one night’s accommodation.

Mini Tours: 

There are tours that take you for days which become very try to find out mini tours where they take you around for a short time, which in turn will be a bit cheap.

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