Six Misconceptions People Have About People Who Work While They Travel - The Traveller


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Six Misconceptions People Have About People Who Work While They Travel

The words ‘work’ and ‘travel’, if put side by side in a sentence, has enough potential to jar the minds of hiring committees. It would not be wrong to claim that most people of India and abroad are not even aware that the two seemingly contradicting worlds can actually coexist. And even if they know, people are most likely to assume that it’s a life of gleeful freedom, or something out of a fairy tale. Unconventional ideas like this are always subjected to grim criticism and absurd misconceptions. What we, as liberal individuals can do is to terminate the dogmas and taboos frequently attached to people who work while they travel. To name a few of them, here are six misconceptions relating to people who are, at the same time, hardcore careerist and emancipated travellers:

  1. They are laidback
    Hardly anyone in the corporate sector is willing to agree that when it comes to meeting deadlines and dealing with hectic schedules, none of us are quiet the perfectionist. Unfortunately, working travellers are tagged as procrastinators and unpunctual more often than anyone working twelve hours in front of the computer. Travelling workers have serious jobs too, which takes just the same amount of work and energy they are allotted deadlines no different than the ones who work at offices. 

  2. They are fickle minded and lack motivation
    The thought itself is very annoying. Travelling itself requires immense motivation, and to work along with it, is only an added pressure which most travelling workers have been accomplishing gloriously. A travel person may be hasty and impulsive with their personal lives, but a potential worker knows how to demarcate the personal from the professional. 

  3. They are capricious and irregular
    An experienced traveller who works while travelling knows the things he/she can and cannot afford. Truth be told, travelling requires money and that alone makes them compelled to work hard and be regular with it, so that they can constantly provide for themselves. 

  4. They lack the tenacity and zeal it takes for establishing or running an enterprise
    There are too many entrepreneurs and managers who travel around the world, while running a full-fledged organization. Moreover, travelling connects them with the wider horizon and they can collect recourses from the best possible places to extend and ameliorate an enterprise. 

  5. They are undedicated to their jobs
    Wanderers are people just like you and your career conscious circuit, but with a soul that craves for adventures and the world beyond the made up and the concrete. They are as dedicated to their jobs as you are. An explorer has to take his/her job seriously to secure a ground underneath their feet and a roof above their head. It is their dedication to work that gets them going through the thick and thin. 

  6. They live a reckless and a utopian life, carefree of responsibilities
    If someone manages to work and travel simultaneously, it is indisputable that the person has his priorities sorted. Travelling is not a primrose path of dalliance leading to heavenly escapades. It requires a whole lot of diligence and perseverance to keep things in order.

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