
Monday, July 4, 2016

Sardinia: The Island of a Thousand Beautiful Beaches


Know More about Sardinia:

If you feel like taking a break from the busy world then Sardinia is a beautiful place to unwind yourself. It is the largest island in the Mediterranean. Though it is away from Italy but it lies much closer to Corsica in France. SARDO is the native language .People mostly earns their livelihood from the sea. This place is known as “ISLAND OF WINDS” or “WHERE THE WIND LIVES” because this place enjoys offshore breezes throughout each season, which reduces humidity and therefore they have many wind sports.The sea is beautiful with clean waters and different variety of colours with different shades of blue and green shimmering like precious stones.

Sardinia presents a huge range of activities for a family holiday. Many Northern Europeans flock to Sardinia in summer. There are many caves and grottoes. For the first time you will encounter the island night or day, a magnetic glow seems to illuminate Sardinia across the island lie the dark slopes of the Gannargentu which are covered with snowfall all year long.

Wonderful Attractions of Sardinia:

There are many sightseeing and adventure places where you get yourself involved in making your trip a successful one.

The Costa Smeralda is one of the most exciting natural environments. it consist crystal clear emerald green water, Innumerable gleaming white coves and bays, granite rock formations carved by the wind. Porto Cervo is the nerve centre of Coasta Smeralda, one can enjoy on the beaches camping,nightlife, largeparks, Elegant Boutiques golf and honeymoon couple can have a memorable and a peaceful holiday.

GrottadiIspinigoli is spectacular for caves. This Cave has the second largest column Joined stalagmite and stalactite. The Stalagmite is the largest in the world. There are 100 of steps down to the bottom of the cave. This is a dry cave and the growing of thisparticular structures created by nature.

MaddalenaArchipelago is close to Costa Smeralda. The cluster of rocky islands lies in the beautiful waters. There are fine sand beaches, some are romantically isolated and the islands are popular for boating, swimming and sunbathing holidays. The scenery here is a memorable, a striking land and seascape whereGranite outcrops enclose patches of turquoise sea as blue as the mantle of the Madonna.There are also Beaches,boat ride, hiking and parks to enjoy.

Santa Cristina Nuraghe and the holy well is one of Sardinia most atmospheric and diverse archaeological attraction, where one can see a remarkably preserved holy well and a Nuraghe tower where you can climb to its open wildflower strewn roof for view down onto the prehistoric stone village.

Adventure Games in Sardinia:

Sardinia is blessed with rugged coastline, sandy beaches and deeply rooted tradition. It is also a haven for adventure seekers.

7 days journey through Istria’s best wine country where you get the full story about how the grapes grow and the making of wine takes place. Tasting of wine authentic gastronomically experience and immersion into culture and historical heritage makes this tour a lifetime experience.

Rock climbing, Sea Kayaking, Cycling, Trekking, KiteSurfing, ScubaDiving, Boatexcursion, Horseback Riding and Bird watching are more adventure where one can try this.

CalaGoloritze is best for hikers and climbers. The Aguglia a 148m high needle of rock that towers over the beach is a magnet for climbers.

Sardinia Beaches:

There are Top5 beaches where you should not miss out, they are

Su Giudeu Beach, Is Arutas Beach, La Pelosa Beach, Spiaggia Rosa-Pink Beach and Porto Giunco-Notteri Beach .All these beaches are different in their own ways. Do not miss out on visiting these beaches.

Throughout the years they celebrate different festivals where you come across traditional customs and local handicrafts, hear local music with singing and dancing. And also taste local and typical food. This place is also a land of ancient flavours and recipes handed down through generation.

There is one golden rule that you should avoid going in August .The best time is to go in May or June. So please come and discover the most beautiful landmark.

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