
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Trolltunga, Skjeggedal


Trolltunga – One of the Most Remarkable Scenic Cliffs in Norway

Trolltunga is a portion of rock which tends to jut out horizontally out of a mountain about 700 metres above the north area of the lake Ringedalsvatnet in the municipality of Odda in Hordaland County, Norway. Situated towards the east of the Skjeggedal area, the cliff is about 10 kilometres east of the village of Tyssedal and the Sorfjorden which is a branch off, of the main Hardanger Fjord. The cliff is said to be part of the Precambrian bedrock which was formed during the ice age around 10,000 years back when the glacier’s edges had reached the cliff.

The water from the glacier had frozen in the crevices of the mountain and ultimately broke off huge, angular blocks that were later on carried away with the glacier. Along the cliff, gneiss continues with deep cracks and the trail to Trolltunga also passes through the bedrock with the washed slippery hillsides in the background also contain gneiss. It is said to be one of the most remarkable scenic cliffs in Norway and the view is incredible. The cliff tends to overlook the valleys of Hardanger region and the mountains surrounding the cliff reaches a height of up to 1500 meters.

Hikes notto be Undertaken During Winter

Some of the hilltop has plains that are intermingled with lakes with patches of snow present in some areas even during summer time. Owing to heavy use by tourist, the Trolltungs trail turns quickly to mud after one shower of rain in the summer. The hike begins in Skjeggedal and goes through the high mountain comprising of 10-12 hours and the ascent is said to be about 900 metres which is a long and difficult hike. The hike is generally done from mid-June based on when the snow tends to melt in the mountain.

Generally one can hike to Trolltunga till mid-September. While undertaking the hike one needs to be in good shape with the right equipment before setting out. There is no mobile phone coverage along the route. Hikers are cautioned not to undertake hikes to Trolltunga during winter time, except from mid-March when one can join guided snowshoe hikes with Trolltunga Active.

Hikes in Strong Wind/Heavy Rain/Foggy Weather – Avoided

All the nature based activities are at the risk of individuals and one should ensure using sturdy hiking boots, together with extra clothing and should be prepared for bad weather. A map and compass is essential with adequate supply of food and drink for consumption, together with torch and a first aid kit. The weather in the high mountain is prone to changes instantly and hence one should check the latest weather forecast before going to Trolltunga.

Hiking to Trolltunga in strong wind, heavy rain or in foggy weather should be avoided. There are search and rescue operations for hikers in serious trouble every year and hence one needs to prepare well and be a responsible and safe hiker.Norway is far north which means the daylight seems to be short from September and night are very cold. It is advisable to start the hike early in the morning, latest by 8 in the morning. If one intends to stay overnight in the mountain area around Trolltunga, you could carry along your own tent.

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