Preikestolen - the Pulpit Rock - The Traveller


Monday, October 12, 2015

Preikestolen - the Pulpit Rock


Preikestolen – Famous Tourist Attraction

Preikestolen is situated in Ryfylke, Rogaland which is a county in Western Norway. Stavanger the fourth largest city in Norway with various direct flights between European cities is situated 25 kilometers from the site.

 The parking facility of Preikestolen is placed about an hour from Stavanger by car or ferry.Preikestolen is also known as Preachers Pulpit or Pulpit Rock and is a famous tourist attraction in Forsand, Ryfylke, Norway. It comprises of a steep cliff and the remarkable rock formation of flat top is around 25 by 25 metres, towers 604 metres above Lysefjord in Fyfylke near Stavanger.

The old local name of the site was Hyvlatonna and the name Prekestolen – without the `i’was created in the year 1900 when local tourist organisations, Stavanger Turistfoprening thought of promoting the site for the purpose of trekking.

The `i’letter, was later on added in agreement with Nynorsk, which was the official local form of Norwegian. The site is presently known as Preikestolen locally as well as officially.Entrance to Preikestolen from Stavanger is through the RV13 road and from Tau through ferry.

Best Season For Hiking – April to October

Towards the south access is through the RV13 to Sandnes by ferry from Lauvik to Oanes. The road is generally open with the ferries running throughout the year. But in winter, due to snow it is not advisable to undertake the hike to the top.

 The walk is not suggested during winter and as well in spring when there is ice and snow with the tracks being slippery. The best season for hiking the trail is from April to October. Those undertaking the hike need to use sturdy shoes and rain gear.

Preikestolen is one of Norway’s most famous tourist attractions drawing over 250,000 visitors each year. If a tourist intends to combine the hike with a cruise on the Lysefjord, they could have one of the most amazing experiences of a lifetime.

From the moment of stepping on the bus in Stavanger’s city centre for the 24 km ride to the Preikestolen Mountain Lodge, the hike is filled with anticipation for the hikers. A well prepared track tends to lead you towards the top of the mountain plateau though a good amount of physical fitness is most essential.

Formation Developed by Frost – 10,000 Year Back

It is believed that the formation had been developed by frost over 10,000 years back when the glacier were closer just above the rock and the water got frozen in the mountain cracks with large angular blocks of rock breaking off and were carried away by the glacier.

Tourist could get the best experience of Preikestolen, by combing the expedition of hike with a cruise along the Lysefjord to see the natural wonder from every available viewpoint. There are several boats from Stavanger regularly during summer time which is the best time to get clear view of the famous landmark of Norway.

Tourist to this amazing site had increased in recent years and due to its increased popularity, a project seems to be underway in improving the path to the site which seems to be accessible only througha 3.8 km hike.

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