Vatican City - The Traveller


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Vatican City

The Vatican – Awesome History & Artwork

The Vatican needs no introduction and being the centre of the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican City State together with the surrounding Italian districts of Borgo, Prati as well as the surrounding area of Monte Mario has an awesome history and artwork than most of the cities in the world. The Vatican City is located on the Vatican hill towards the right bank of the Triber River and is a walled enclave within the city of Rome.

It has an area of around 44 hectares with a population of 842 and is the smallest internationally recognised independent state in the world in terms of area and population. The Vatican City is different from the Holy See dating back to the early Christianity and is the main episcopal see of 1.2 billion Eastern Catholic and Latin believers all across the globe. Vatican City is the temporal seat of the Pope, the head of the worldwide Catholic Church.

World’s Smallest State

It is surrounded by the city of Rome in Italy and is the world’s smallest state. Vatican City which is the papal residence was built on the tomb of Saint Peter and the Vatican’s position as a sovereign state was defined by Lateran Treaty by 2029, marked by the building of a new road – Via della Conciliazione which led from the huge St. Peter’s basilica to the Castel Sant’ Angelo, which is an old grim monument.Beyond the Vatican City, there are thirteen buildings in Rome and one at Castel Gandolfo which is the Pope’s summer residence that enjoys extraterritorial rights.

 Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina had been elected on March 13, 2013 as Pontiff and ruler of the Vatican, who took the name of Francis. The Pope has full legal, executive and judicial control. Executive powers over the areas tend to fall in the hands of a commission of cardinals that have been appointed by the pope.The pope’s chief advisory body is the College of Cardinals and after his death, the cardinals elect his successor for life.

Radio Station Broadcast in 29 Languages

Within the Vatican City there are 11 Vatican Museums together with the restored work of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel and Vatican Garden which is an enchanted area with large and small gardens, together with fountain, fish pool and enclosure for rabbits. It dates back to the medieval time when the vineyards and the orchards had extended to the north of the Apostolic Palace.

The radio station of Vatican City broadcasts in 29 languages all over the world and has its television station, the daily newspaper, post office together with the Vatican stamps, offices, shops and publishing house which are all signposted in highly sophisticated system of organisation. Over a thousand residents perform in the smooth daily running of the nerve centre of official Christianity together with the Pope at its head which is all guarded by the Swiss Guard.

The Swiss Guard has the task of protecting the Pontiff himself and tends to wear colourful clothing which is similar to the uniforms that are worn by Renaissance-era soldiers, winter palette of clothing differing from summer palette. The economy of Vatican City is financially supported through the sale of postage stamps and tourists mementos, sale of publications and fees for the admission to the museums.

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