Top 9 Things to Do In Budapest - The Traveller


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Top 9 Things to Do In Budapest

BUDAPEST is situated in Europe. It is a capital of Hungary. It resembles the city of light “PARIS”. Many touristslove to visit this place. This place is divided into two parts BUDA and PEST along the river Danube. Where both have different tourist attraction .The area where Buda is located is mostly a hilly region with residential area and Pest is a plain land where mostly commercial and industrial areas are located. There are 3 islandsthe Csepel Island, the Margaret Island and the Obudai Island and the last is Szentendre Island. So let us explore some more information on this place.

CHAIN BRIDGE: It is one of the attractions. It is the first permanent suspension bridge between Buda and Pest. This bridge is made from stones and iron. They have summer festival during the weekend on the chain bridge where one can walk across the bridge during the festivals.There are two lion statues at both ends of the bridge.This bridge looks very beautiful when lit up in the night.

PARLIAMENT HOUSE: This is a largest parliament building in the world. The interiors are very unique. It is placed right next to Danube shore. One can take a look at this parliament from inside specially the sculptures rooms and paintings. The architecture if the building is also stunning. There is also a visitor’s centre where cafe and gift shop is present.

THE SHOES ON THE DANUBE RIVER: These are the metal shoes of the people who were told to remove the shoes before being shot dead and thrown into the river. Ladies children and men were shot by the facist Arrow Cross. This monument is located next to the Hungarian parliament. Some people come and pay respect to their beloved ones.

SZECHENYI SPA BATHS: It is the best and largest spa bath in Europe. It is situated in the city park. They have indoor baths and 3 outdoor pools. This pool contains thermal spring which is medicinal. It contains calcium, magnesium hydro carbonate sodium and sulphate .It cures diseases like joint pains, chronic pains and arthritis.

BUDAPEST ZOO AND BOTANICAL GARDEN: This is the largest zoo park of Hungary. In the zoo the baby animals are kept separate where the kids can enjoy being with them. The visit to this zoo also entertains people with live concerts .There is also a huge Aquarium where you can see the bears swimming inside. Children also get attracted towards the beautiful children park.

LIBEGO: It is a two chairlift system transporting passengers between Zugliget and Janos Hill.It is an adventurous activity having unique experience. You can travel also to Buda hills. Janoshegy is a tourist attraction where people go for a walk in the forest because it is very calm. The tower also is worth seeing. From the tower one can see the full city.

HAJOGYARI ISLAND: It is one of the biggest island .This islands is famous for whole night party.Once upon a time it was a shipyard island. Annual Szigeti festival is celebrated on this island. Now the intention of building a recreation complex and a hotel has begun.

BUDA CASTLE HILL: It is a world heritage site. There are many gothic arches, baroque and cobble stone streets. It also consists of natural caves made by thermal waters and underground passages made by man. Buda Castle Easter festival in celebrated with lots of cultural activities like games concerts and food. Apart from this there are many other festivals like chocolate festival, wine festival, beer festival, and renaissance and medieval festival.

INVISIBLE EXHIBITION: It is an interesting experience, to be in darkness for one hour. There is a forest, a museum with sculpture, a street with traffic, vegetable and fruit shops all situated in a big room. One has to act as if he is blind. He /she have to touch and feel the things. After going through all this, it is really amazing how the blind people can do all this. It is really a unique experience.

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