Things to Do In Madrid - The Traveller


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Things to Do In Madrid

Madrid is the capital of Spain. It is a crowded city. The people here are of a very friendly nature. The citizens are called Madrilenos. This city is situated along the sides of the Manzanares River and the mountain of Guadarrama. There are beautiful things to see. This city is a lively city. There are many places for sightseeing.

BEUN RETIRO PARK: It is a largest park known as The Park of the Pleasant retreat. There are beautiful sculpture, monuments, galleries and a lake where they have boating’s and events like concerts. This park contains Zoological gardens, Crystal palace which is made of a glass building famous for art exhibition. And not forgetting a garden of roses.

ROYAL PALACE OF MADRID: It is an official residence of king of Spain but he and the royal family doesn’t stay there. It is mainly used for state ceremonies and for some other celebrations. It is located on the Bailen Street on the western part of Madrid. The statue of the king and the queen is all over the square. This palace is open to public all-round the year. The throne room should be visited. It remains the same from the reign of Carlos III.

THE SOROLLA MUSEUM: This museum was opened in the name of Joaquin Sorolla who was anartist. His paintings wereof different styles. He used to paint on topics like Social criticism, family portrait, work depicting typical local customs and self-portraits. His paintings showed a very calm and quiet scene mostly of the sea, children and women. His paintings were mostly done by oil paint. Andalusian Style garden is also designed by this artist. Before dying he painted on a canvas which still remains intact till today.

NATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGY MUSEUM: It exhibits archaeology, ethnology, decorative coins and arts. All items like the Egyptian mummies, Mudejar stone work and ceramics are displayed. The Bust of lady of Elx an Iberian women is the main highlight of this museum found in south eastern Spain by a French archaeological which describes her hair, headgear. There are many more artifacts displayed in this museum. There are many wealth of religious articles removed from churches and monasteries displayed here also.

PLAZA DE CIBELES: There is a fountain situated in the middle of Cibeles Square depicts the goddess sitting in a chariot pulled by two lions. The Madrid is famous for many monuments. It has become a celebration place after winning the football match. There are three monuments that is Cibeles palace which at present is a City Hall, Banco de Espana and Linares Palace. These palaces are lit up very beautiful in the night.

CASAde CAMPO PARK: Also known as Country House Park.It is situated in the west on central city in Moncloa Aravaca district. There is a beautiful lake with flora and Fauna. They have Kayaking, fishing and swimming in this lake. It has an amusement park where all the rides are based on cartoon character. A zoo, an aquarium, Madrid Arena Stadium and a cable car also there to entertain the public. This place is ideal for family vacation tours.

MUSEO DelAIRE: It is an Aviation Museum situated in Cuatro Vientos Air Base out of the city limits. The children get very fascinated with the different collections of aircrafts. They have old and historic airplanes right from the beginning of aviation. One can tour around the hanger. There is a large display of wooden propellers of different shape and size, Gliders, rescue helicopter and passenger airlines.

WARNERS BROS PARK: It is a theme park. It is divided into five areas that are Hollywood Boulevard, Warner Bros, Studio, DC Superheroes world, Cartoon village. The rides are very unique.They have a Chinese theatre, looney tunes statue, Rio Bravo flume ride, inverted roller coaster, exploring the gold mine mountain; the children can drive in the Flint stone cars, batman ride, wooden roller coaster and river rapid ride. So enjoy the trip by visiting this park.

ENTERTAINMENT: Apart from visiting museums and other historical places there is something where you can enjoy yourself by watching flamenco, a bull fight, go in an open topped bus tour, eat at the world oldest restaurant , take a ride on the Madrid’s cable car, visit Madrid’s weekly flea market , sweeten your tooth by tasting Chocolate con churros.

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