The National Museum of Ireland - The Traveller


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The National Museum of Ireland

National Museum of Ireland – Archaeological Heritage of Ireland

The National Museum of Ireland, Archaeology, opened in 1890 is located in Kildare Street, Dublin. It comprises of artefacts which range from 7000 BC to the 16th century and are displayed in seven exhibition galleries.It is a home to the Irish antiquities Division of the National Museum of Ireland and is responsible in maintaining the portable archaeological heritage of Ireland.

The Natural History Museum which is a section of the National Museum is the oldest part and is considered distinct, houses specimens of animals of various parts of the world and its collections together with the Victorian appearance have not changed since early 20th century. The National Museum has three branches in Dublin with one in County Mayo, having strong emphasis on Irish art, culture and natural history.

The development of the Irish civilization can be traced from archaeological exhibitions from the arrival of the people who first came to Ireland in the Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age to late Medieval Ireland. Besides these, there are also other exhibitions which deal with the Ancient Egypt and Roman civilisations.

Provision for Guided Tours 

The National Museum of Ireland, Archaeology’s educational facilities comprises of an audio-visual room, an Activity Cart in exhibition galleries together with an education resource room.They also provided guided tours which could last approximately about 45 minutes where a two weeks’ notice is essential at the time of booking group tours. It is also advisable to notify the Museum staff in advance if the tourist would be visiting on a self-guided tour.

Moreover the Museum also hosts public lectures all through the year together with workshops where admission to the lectures is free and no booking is needed, though seating is done on first come first served basis. The lectures conducted last for around one hour. The National Museum of Ireland, Decorative Arts and History located at Collins Barracks in Dublin comprises of a collection of artifacts namely silver, ceramics, furniture, glassware, weaponry and costume and is home to the Art and Industrial Division of the National Museum of Ireland.

It is responsible for artifacts related to Irish political, social, industrial, economic and military history for the last 300 years while the museum staffs takes care of the collections of Irish, European as well as Oriental decorative arts providing an understanding of international design and culture as they relate to Ireland.

Ancient Treasures/Artifacts 

This amazing Dublin museum in Ireland presents ancient treasures as well as artefacts of 9,000 years of human inhabitation which are rich objects and archaeological discoveries kept on display. Several of the prehistoric gold collection, the largest and the finest native origin gold exhibit are the most impressive than any national museum in Europe outside Athens, including the lunula neck ornament, sheet gold sun disks and collars together with twisted arm bands, ear-spools and clothing fasteners which dates back from 2200 to 500 BC.

The early Christian relics, discovered, are of world importance which includes the Ardagh Chalice, Cross of Cong, Lismore Crozier together with a bell which is presumed to belong to St. Patrick. The discoveries from Dublin’s Wood Quay, the intact Viking urban centre excavated in Western Europe portrayed a town layout as well as the everyday life from 1000 years and prior to it together with widespread commercial connections.

Moreover, the museum also features a large collection of weaponry, an illuminated Book of Psalms which was recently found in a bog and well preserved bog bodies probably belonging to the Iron Age and earlier tribal sacrifices.

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