
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Monte d’Accoddi

Monte d’Accoddi – An Archaeological Site in Northern Sardinia 

Monte d’Accoddi is an archaeological site situated in northern Sardinia, Italy in the territory of Sassari near Porto Torres. It is a site of megalithic structure and the oldest part dates to around 4000-3659 BC; which was discovered in 1954 in a field that was owned by a Segni family.

 The structure seems to have a base of 27mx27m, probably reaching a height of 5.5 m and culminating in a platform of around 12.5 x 7.2m which is accessible through a ramp. It has been described as an altar, temple or a step pyramid and was partially reconstructed during 1980s.

The site is open to the public and accessible by the old route of SS131 highway which is near the hamlet of Ottava. The Prenuragic shrine of Monte d’Accoddi could probably be the most comprehensive representation of prehistory in Sardinia being continuously frequented from the Middle Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age and because it contained the most significant elements of traditions as well as innovation during the Neolithic to the Eneolithic period. There has been a lot of speculation regarding its hypothetical genetic relationship, significance and reconstructive hypothesis.

Complex History 

Excavations carried out at Monte d’Accoddi have portrayed a very long as well as a complex history with regards to this monument. While the original site seems to be destroyed by fire, it had been replaced during a second phase around 3500 BC during the Ozieri era which consisted of a megalithic sanitary of 4.7 metres high menhir being the focal point.

At the time of the third stage towards the end of the Ozieri era or at the beginning of the Filigosa-Abealzu era between 3000 to 2800 BC, the sanctuary as well as the menhire had been pulled down where a Red Temple was constructed with its floor and walls painted in red.

The fourth stage was the construction of stepped temple that had a ramp for access and resembled a ziggurat. This was probably built during the Chalcolithic era somewhere in 2800 BC which is the excavated and restored site presently.

Currently the menhir stand by the side of the ramp and towards the opposite side are two large boulders having cup marks together with a flat stone slab that rest on small support boulders. The stone slab has curious handles carved in it. At first this slab with its supports seems like a dolmen though it is considered as an altar.

Hut Foundations Around the Site 

Besides this there are hut foundations around the site. One can reach this site from the older dual carriage road from Port Torres to Sassari that runs through Ottava and not the autostrada which is confusingly called, in October 2010, the SS131. Sign post of this site is placed to the right – south west of this road, where a lane leads to a large car park.

It is a few hundred metres walk from the car park along a good path towards the entrance and the ticket office is in the compound with amazing displays in the office on the site with its stage wise development. It is an interesting site to explore and learn more about the people during that era.

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