
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Time for a Family Vacation? Tips to Make Yours Less Stressful

Whether you’re going on a summer vacation because the kids are out of school or you’re just looking to get away for the holidays, a family vacation is time everyone can spend relaxing away from the stresses of daily life. However, it doesn’t matter whether you’re taking a trip down to the beach or going to a theme park like Adventure World – family vacations can be a little hectic, at least for parents who have to deal with all of the travel arrangements and packing.

When you’re ready for your family vacation, use these tips to make sure you have fun without losing your mind in the process!

Involve Your Kids

Planning a family vacation should be fun, so why not involve the kids? Before you do however, make a short list of potential trips and vacations that will work for your budget and timeframe. After all, kids may make some suggestions and get their hearts set on something you can’t afford or feasibly do if you don’t have some sort of ideas prepared before involving them.

Get Kids Packed Early

Kids don’t really enjoy packing their suitcases, and chances are they don’t know exactly what they need to bring if they under the age of 15. However, as a parent, you can help guide them along in the process by making them a checklist of everything they need to pack for the trip. After all, you’re their parent and you know what they have – you bought it for them!

Have your kids start packing about 72 hours before the trip if possible, that way you’ll give them a chance to get everything together on their own. 24 hours before you need to leave, double check everything and make sure it’s ready to go. That way you won’t be stressing about what is or isn’t packed the day you’re heading out the door for what should be a fun family vacation.

Load Up the Night Before

If you’re going to be traveling by car, taking the time to pack everything that you’re taking with you except your toiletries – which can all go in a separate bag – to load up the car the night before you head out the door can make the morning much less stressful. You’ll have time for a nice breakfast and you won’t have to panic.

Just make sure you leave your travel clothes for at least the first day out.

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