Rome Capital of Province of Rome/Region of Lazio - The Traveller


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Rome Capital of Province of Rome/Region of Lazio

Rome is the capital city of Italy as well as of the Province of Rome and the region of Lazio. It stands on seven hills along the Tiber River which is a treasure trove of various monuments that are worth seeing. The city is situated in the central western area of the Italian Peninsula within Lazio along the shores of the Tiber River while the Vatican City is an independent country which is within the boundaries of the city of Rome and the only existing example of a country within a city due to which Rome is defined as a capital of two states.

Rome is an awesome European capital filled with unique appeal and ancient monuments of 3000 years of the history of Western Civilization and is a great tourist attraction. Architecture was the focal point to the success of the ancient Romans and by building their amazing capital; they were the first to use architecture in handling problems of infrastructure, urban management and communication.

In order to bring about this change, they adopted advanced methods of Etruscans and Greeks in developing techniques in construction and building material which enabled them to construct on a massive scale.

1st Century - Seat of the Papacy 

From the 1st century AD, Rome was considered the seat of the Papacy and became the capital of the Papal States, in the 8th century lasting till 1870. Towards 1871, Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy and in 1946, the capital of Italian Republic as well.

Rome was ruled by popes like Alexander VI and Leo X after the Middle Ages who then transformed the city into major centres of the Italian Renaissance together with Florence. The present version of St. Peter’s Basilica was constructed and the Sistine Chapel was painted by Michelangelo. St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the most outstanding churches and is Italy’s richest, largest and the most spectacular church containing great works of art, which includes three of Italy’s celebrated masterpieces namely, Michelangelo’s Pieta, his breath-taking dome and Bernini’s baldachin or canopy over the papal altar.

It is one of Rome’s busiest tourist attraction drawing thousands of people from all across the world. Famous architects and artists like Bramante, Raphael and Bernini had resided in Rome for some time making their contribution to its Renaissance and Baroque architecture.

Holds the Status of the Global City

Rome holds the status of the global city and was the 11th most visited city in the world, the third most visited country in the European Union and the most popular tourist attraction in Italy while its historic centre has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

 Moreover the monuments and museum like the Vatican Museums and the Colosseum are also the mostvisited tourist destination in the world which is visited by thousands of tourists each year. Rome is the seat of the United Nations `Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO and had also hosted the 1960 Summer Olympics.

The city of Rome dazzles with life with its beautiful piazzas which are filled with beautiful cafes and excellent restaurants. The history of Rome is more than two and a half thousands of years founded in 753 BC and is one of the oldest occupied cities in Europe. Rome is referred as `The Eternal City’, which is a central notion in ancient Roman culture.

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