Jerusalem – The Oldest City in the World - The Traveller


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Jerusalem – The Oldest City in the World

Jerusalem is situated on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea and is one of the oldest cities in the world. Jerusalem is considered to be holy to the three major Abrahamic religions namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The Palestinians as well as the Israelis both claim Jerusalem as their capital with Israel maintaining its primary governmental institutions and the State of Palestine foreseeing it as its seat of power, though neither of their claims has been recognized internationally.

It is an amazing city overwhelming with emotion which promises a spiritual and religious experience, combined with excitement and pleasures accompanied with entertaining adventures and interesting appealing tours. All around Jerusalem, there are amazing historic and archaeological sites for tourist attractions for people of various cultures.

The Old City is the heart of Jerusalem which is surrounded by a wall and divided into four separate quarters namely Jewish, Christian, Armenian and Muslim. Within the walls are the most important sites of the three major religions, the Western Wall that is holy to the Jews, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount.

Millions of worshippers visit the Western Wall plaza, where at the base of the massive wall, isthe remnant of the Holy Temple, wherenotes containing heartfelt desires were wedged between the crevices together with prayers.

Jerusalem Important to Christians

All along the Western Wall one will find important Jewish sites like the Western Wall Tunnels, the Davidson Centre which is unique, the Jewish quarter with its magnificent Cardo and David’s Citadel which stand out proudly with its amazing beauty.

Towards the south of the Old City is the City of David where the ancient Canaanite and Israelite Jerusalem emerged. Jerusalem is considered to be very important to the Christian since Jesus Christ the Saviour lived and died here.

In the Christian quarter alone there are around 40 religious building which include churches, monasteries and pilgrims hostels and one of the prominent site of importance in the Christian quarter is the Via Dolorosa or the Way of Sorrows.

 This was the final path of Jesus leading from the courthouse to Golgotha Hill where he was crucified, died and buried. Several pilgrims visit Jerusalem in order to follow the steps of Jesus along a route which started in the Muslim Quarter, at Lions’ Gate while passing the fourteen Stations of the Cross and finally ending in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre 

Most of the important Christian relics are housed in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which includes the anointing stone on which Jesus’ body was laid at the time of his burial together with the grave of Jesus.

 This has become a pilgrimage site for millions of Christian all across the globe. Towards the southwest area of the Old City is Mount Zion and the Dormition Abbey was built on the site, which according to Christian tradition, believe that Mary had spent her last night here.

The Abbey is said to have been built about 100 years ago where in the basement one will find a stature of the Sleeping Mary and besides the Abbey is the Room of the Last Supper where Jesus had his last meal along with his disciples before he was crucified. The Mount of Olives is towards the eastern side of the Old City.

1 comment:

  1. Jerusalem is mystical, beautiful and charming. Thanks for an insightful post.


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