Oahu in the Hawaiian language is called as “The Gathering place”. It is the highly populated island ever compared to other Hawaiian islands. Honolulu is the state capital that lies along the southeast coast.
Located at: It is located in the Hawaii State which is present in the middle of North Pacific Ocean extends from about 3200kms from the coast of Continental USA.
Every place has its own History which makes it more interesting and makes it the best reason for travelling purpose. The island is the result of two shielded volcano Wai’anae&Ko’olau with a saddle between them. During World War 2, the Japanese army attacked US at Pearl Harbour which is located at Oahu. That made a quite a destruction. An earthquake that occurred at 2006 caused a damage of $200 million. It took millions of dollars to get the island back to the original position.
Local Languages spoken: Hawaiian language.
Oahu’s north shore is famous for its tremendous waves during winter. Winter and summer are hard to differentiate. From May to October there is least amount of rainfall. The months of June & July are the driest.
Divisions: Oahu is divided into 5 regions namely:
- Honolulu
- Windward coast
- Central Oahu
- Leeward Coast &
- North shore.
• Aulani: If you plan a trip with children then this is a jackpot for your family. It’s a beachside Disney resort & Spa. There are many activities and Programs especially for the children. And it’s the 3rd largest Disney resort outside Disney theme Park. There are various entertainers such as grand villas, lazy river, swimming pool & an artificial snorkelling Lagoon. A huge spa which is occupies 18,000 square feet with conference centres and outdoor venues.
• Kailua Beach: This beach is located in the Windward coast and is the favourite beach for the locals. Natives of Oahu Island call themselves Locals. Sports like Windsurf, Kayak, Body board, Parasail are famous in these beaches. Kayak and other water sports related accessories are available at the stores in the seashores.
• Iolani Palace: The palace was built by King David Kalakua, “The Merrie Monarch” during the period of 1882-1893. He was quite impressed by the European architectural styles and built the palace in the same way. It had the features like first electric light system, flush toilets, Intra-house telephones. The palace interiors were also quite decorativesuch as beautiful Koa staircase, ornate furniture and there were royal gifts and ornaments from all over the world.
• Pearl Harbour: The world famous Pearl Harbour was named as for the pearl Oysters. It’s the largest natural Harbour in Hawaii. There’s a USS Arizona memorial quotes the historic event that occurred during December 7th,1941. Also there’s a visitor centre that showcases a film regarding the attack. A Floating memorial is also present that is present over the sunken hull of the Battleship.
• Waikki: Located in the south shore of Honolulu. Waikki is famous for its beaches and every room is only two or three blocks away from the sea. The biggest attractions are Honolulu Zoo and Waikki aquarium. Waikki is the place to party all day and the fun extends till Waikki sunset with amazing nightlife and Live Music.
Other than these spots Aloha Tower, AlaMoana, Diamond Head, Kaena point, Pearl Harbourare other sites of attraction.
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