Ko Phi Phi of Thailand - The Traveller


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ko Phi Phi of Thailand

Ko Phi Phi of Thailand
The Phi Phi islands are located in Thailand. It consists of two Krabi provinces namely Ko Phi Phi Don (most populated island) &Ko Phi Phi Lee (visited by many people). Phi Phi Don originally populated by Muslim Fishermen but later it became a Coconut Plantation.

Ko Phi Phi Lee was used in the film named “The Beach” (British-American film). But they have devastated the location to make it suitable to the Novel.

Located: Between Phuket & Western Strait of Malacca.


Every place has its own History and Geography which makes it more interesting and makes it the best reason for travelling purpose. These islands are said to be the oldest province in all of Thailand and is said to exist from pre-historic period. Krabi means Sword. Phi Phi originated from the original Malay word PulauApi-Api (The Fiery Isle).


There are 6 islands in the group known as Phi Phi and lies 50km south east to Phuket. Among them Phi Phi Don & Phi Phi Lee are the most famous and largest islands. The Hadnopparattara-Koh Phi Phi National Park serves as the home for many corals and is the mother of Marine Life. And there are also Limestone Mountains with Cliffs, Caves with Long and White Sandy Beaches.

Local Languages spoken: Thai Language


The weather is usually Tropic. There exists only two seasons. Hot season from January to April & Rainy Season from May to December.

Tourist Spots: 

Maya Bay: 

Maya Bay is popular for Diving. And after the advent of the Hollywood film “The Beach” in these beaches have gained more popularity for Diving. The Tsunami that strike during 2004 has improved the look of Maya Bay. These high waves have cleaned up the beach landscaping it.

Ko Phi Phi Don: 

Largest of Phi Phi islands and it consists of the large towns and Resort Areas. These islands were formerly of Ultimate scenery beauty, but due to the over-population of the Tourists and also the improvement of Restaurants, shops and Internet Cafe the place has been exploited.

The view of the twin bays with the curved areas of the Sandy Beaches gives a spectacular view. Boat trips and Snorkelling are encouraged for visualizing the Coral Reefs inside the shallow waters.

Ko Phi Phi Lee: 

2ndLargest of the Phi Phi islands and it consists of a Ring of steep of Limestone hills which is surrounded by Maya Bay, LohSamah (shallow Bays). There’s one large shallow called Pi Ley with a coral reef as the entrance. Gives spectacularscenery vies of the bays Ao Pi Le, Ao Maya, Ao Lo Sa Ma. Lies to the Northern East part the Tham Viking Cave. The cave was renamed as ThamPhayaNak (or) Naga Serpent Cave by the King BhumibolAdulyadej because it resembled a mythical creature.

Other than this the tourist attractions are the Stone beaches at Koh Yung, Coral spots at Ao Maya &Ao Lo Sama. Also there exists marvellous beaches along the coast that stretches from north to south of the island at Ko Mai Phai.

Adventure Sports: 

Snorkelling, Scuba Diving, Diving, Kayaking and other Marine recreational activities have been encouraged for the tourists.

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