Kauai is 4th main largest Island and oldest one in the Hawaiin Islands. It’s also known as the Garden Isle. It’s the largest populated city ever. The following link provides you the details of Kauai. http://www.gohawaii.com/kauai. Rivers, Waterfalls and evergreen Tropical forests are of great scenery beauty. These islands due to their natural beauty has been featured in almost 70 Hollywood films including the Animated film Lilo& Stitch.
Located at: Northwest of O’ahu across the Kauai channel.
Every place has its own History and Geography which makes it more interesting and makes it the best reason for travelling purpose. Hawaiin tradition says that the name origin was due to a Polynesian navigator who first discovered these islands. He named it after his favourite son. Kauai means “place around the neck” where he would carry his son usually. Also there exists another possibility for the translation namely “Food Season”.
In 1778, Captain JamesCook arrived at Waimea Bay who was the 1st European who arrived at Hawaiian Islands.
Origin of the islands is Volcanic. The island is formed due to the passage created by the Pacific Plate over the Hawaiian Hotspot. The island is approximately estimated to be 6 million years old. Highest peak is said to be Kawaikini. And the second highest peak is Mount Wai’ale’ale which exists at the centre of the island.
Local Languages spoken: Hawaiian language.
Capital climate exists is tropical but it experience different changes in the climate due to the Altitudes. Oct-Apr: Winter May-Sep: Dry conditions Jul-Nov: Tropical storms and Hurricanes occur.
Tourist Spots:
• Poipu Beach Park: This is one of the most safest and popular beaches in the world. Poipu beach is said to be the “America’s Best Beach”. From December to May it’s a common thing to spot Humpback whales that spouts on shore. And if you’re lucky you can also see Monk Seals that take a sunbath on the shore. Snorkeling gives you a new experience about viewing the colourful fish. Additionally there’s a wading pool for youngsters and Toddlers.
• Wailua River: Located to the east side of the island is one of the famous rivers in Hawaii which extends for about 20 miles. It has 2 famous waterfalls namely Opaekka Falls and Wailua Falls. Boat tours are available. This serves as a romantic area and is a popular wedding venue. There exists a mountain ridge between the Wailua and Kappa that looks like a human figure that lies on its back. Also there are 7 different temples present at the center of the island (Mount Waialeale)
• Kokee State Park: Located north to the WaimeaCnyon is the Kokee state park. Kokee state park serves as the home place of various kinds of flora and fauna and it supports the endemic species too. Hiking through this forest gives you quite the adventure. And there’s a Natural History Museum where you can see the trails of the forest because you don’t want to get lost in the forest do you?
There are 2 lookouts namely the Kalalau and Puu O kila which stretches over to the sea. The glimpse of this view is highly exceptional.
Other than these places there are a variety of places to view such as the Northern Shore, Napali Coast, Waimea Canyon, Old Koloa town, Hanapepe town, Hanalei town etc.
Adventure Sports:
Also water sports such as Snorkelling, Scuba Diving and Kayaking are highly encouraged for the tourists. Also Ziplining is also available for the Tourists (For the bird view of the forests). A thrilling, yet a wonderful experience for the challenged ones.
Kauai is 4th main largest Island and oldest one in the Hawaiin Islands. It’s also known as the Garden Isle. It’s the largest populated city ever. The following link provides you the details of Kauai. http://www.gohawaii.com/kauai. Rivers, Waterfalls and evergreen Tropical forests are of great scenery beauty. These islands due to their natural beauty has been featured in almost 70 Hollywood films including the Animated film Lilo& Stitch.
Located at: Northwest of O’ahu across the Kauai channel.
Every place has its own History and Geography which makes it more interesting and makes it the best reason for travelling purpose. Hawaiin tradition says that the name origin was due to a Polynesian navigator who first discovered these islands. He named it after his favourite son. Kauai means “place around the neck” where he would carry his son usually. Also there exists another possibility for the translation namely “Food Season”.
In 1778, Captain JamesCook arrived at Waimea Bay who was the 1st European who arrived at Hawaiian Islands.
Origin of the islands is Volcanic. The island is formed due to the passage created by the Pacific Plate over the Hawaiian Hotspot. The island is approximately estimated to be 6 million years old. Highest peak is said to be Kawaikini. And the second highest peak is Mount Wai’ale’ale which exists at the centre of the island.
Local Languages spoken: Hawaiian language.
Capital climate exists is tropical but it experience different changes in the climate due to the Altitudes. Oct-Apr: Winter May-Sep: Dry conditions Jul-Nov: Tropical storms and Hurricanes occur.
Tourist Spots:
• Poipu Beach Park: This is one of the most safest and popular beaches in the world. Poipu beach is said to be the “America’s Best Beach”. From December to May it’s a common thing to spot Humpback whales that spouts on shore. And if you’re lucky you can also see Monk Seals that take a sunbath on the shore. Snorkeling gives you a new experience about viewing the colourful fish. Additionally there’s a wading pool for youngsters and Toddlers.
• Wailua River: Located to the east side of the island is one of the famous rivers in Hawaii which extends for about 20 miles. It has 2 famous waterfalls namely Opaekka Falls and Wailua Falls. Boat tours are available. This serves as a romantic area and is a popular wedding venue. There exists a mountain ridge between the Wailua and Kappa that looks like a human figure that lies on its back. Also there are 7 different temples present at the center of the island (Mount Waialeale)
• Kokee State Park: Located north to the WaimeaCnyon is the Kokee state park. Kokee state park serves as the home place of various kinds of flora and fauna and it supports the endemic species too. Hiking through this forest gives you quite the adventure. And there’s a Natural History Museum where you can see the trails of the forest because you don’t want to get lost in the forest do you?
There are 2 lookouts namely the Kalalau and Puu O kila which stretches over to the sea. The glimpse of this view is highly exceptional.
Other than these places there are a variety of places to view such as the Northern Shore, Napali Coast, Waimea Canyon, Old Koloa town, Hanapepe town, Hanalei town etc.
Adventure Sports:
Also water sports such as Snorkelling, Scuba Diving and Kayaking are highly encouraged for the tourists. Also Ziplining is also available for the Tourists (For the bird view of the forests). A thrilling, yet a wonderful experience for the challenged ones.