
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Eleuthera in the blue!

Eleuthera is the name of one of the 700 islands that make up the archipelago of the Bahamas. Eleuthera, as a feeling of freedom even if this island is often reduced to the almost obligatory stop function to access its glamorous little satellite, Harbour Island. If Harbour Island is lovely beyond description since all features of pretty little houses with colorful wooden carefully maintained but especially sumptuous pink sand beaches that stretch for miles, it is primarily an island essentially chic tourist vocation. We are not talking about mass tourism, far from it! But a tourist who enjoys the atmosphere of beautiful villas of stars who took refuge here out of sight, a tourist who walks on foot or by golf carts and who enjoys fishing or outputs sea, and quality restaurants in the evening.

 Do not get me wrong, I'll gladly attractions in Harbour Island, and I spent a few days to just enjoy the place, eyes fixed on the ocean blue sapphire, thinking: "I do not move, I anchor here ... ". So far from me the desire to turn from Harbour Island! Being incapable of sinking voluptuously in contemplation over a period of more than twenty-four hours, I confess a slight preference for having its big sister, the less talked about and yet... Eleuthera offers more opportunities to the curious traveler, over different ranges, more varied landscapes. Agricultural was done successfully in the past (Queen Pineapple export across the Atlantic Ocean), Eleuthera still maintains some scented plantations in season; pineapple sweet fragrant small grocery stores that sell homemade pies. Let them who has never tasted one of these versions caramelized pineapple pastries cast the first stone ... Eleuthera you rent a small car to navigate the single "big" road that crosses the island from north to south along the 180km long that form a hook between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. In its widest point the island does not exceed 2km, what you offer some beautiful walks.

 I've already shown its extreme south of beauty, which has the merit of hosting what I believe to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, at the foot of Lighthouse. On this road to the north, you will necessarily stop over Glass Window Bridge, ill-named. It is not a bridge of glass or a transparent bridge, but a bridge thrown between two purely functional pieces of cliff to connect the north and south of Eleuthera. The bridge itself is of no interest and should even be renovated in the coming years, but I know that you like me to stop, taking care to park your car a hundred meters after the bridge. Stay on the bridge will not allow you to have the most beautiful view, so do not resist the urge to climb the cliff side to overlook the Atlantic Ocean in less than ten meters and have the rare privilege on earth to admire a glance two complementary colors as ultramarine lens of the Atlantic and the milky turquoise Caribbean Sea, separated by rock. Gorgeous! Be careful anyway, and windy day refrain from climbing on the cliff. I suggested that waves sometimes overwhelm the bridge, others have already reached the top of the cliff to the surprise of simpletons who failed to leave more than a camera ...

 Do not worry these conditions storm are rare in the Bahamas, little chance for you to be present that day. So enjoy the view, then back down the side of the hotel Cocodimama for a drink or swim in a shallow lagoon and relax on one of the most beautiful beaches Bahamas. Eleuthera, is one of my favorite islands in the Bahamas. For colors, to perfumes, to the tranquility; and is also reflected in conversations with Bahamians here who is leading their life rocked by the music of the waves on the white sand.