Suggested routes to Colombia - The Traveller


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Suggested routes to Colombia

Many travelers visit Colombia to extend a trip to Ecuador or Venezuela.

- The passage of the border with Ecuador is by Ipiales, from where you can take a bus to Popayan, the white city, colonial gem of the Andes which is reached in about 8 hours. If one has to Cali destination, we must provide 11 hours of bus and 23 hours to Bogotá. You can also reach the last two by air.

- Coming from Venezuela, Colombia is entered into by the city of Cucuta. We can take a flight to the main Colombian cities or bus to Bucaramanga, which is reached in six hours by a spectacular Andean road. From there, connections to Bogota (10:00), Santa Marta (9:00), Cartaghène (12 hours) or as close to the charming Villa de Leyva collected at 2000 m above sea level and colonial architecture intact . Another option to reach more directly the Caribbean coast is to cross the border on the road to Paraguachón Maracaibo (Venezuela) to Macaio (Colombia).

- The more adventurous can also enter Colombia by the Amazonian city of Leticia, from Iquitos in Peru or Manaus in Brazil. In both cases, this requires a boat trip on the Amazon River from Manaus three days and 12 hours of Iquitos. Leticia (where many agencies offer trips into the jungle), the only possibility to reach the interior is to fly to Bogota, as there is no road.

- There is no possible land crossing between Colombia and Panama. One can attempt to limit the boat stop, if you have a lot of time ahead.

Attention borders are good places for the guerrillas. Several people disappeared in these key locations. Again, ask and be extremely careful. Avoid crossing the border in the forest. Beware of false guides; taxis false ... The situation can change from one month to another. If in doubt, prefer to fly.

In the country will establish a route based on means of transport used, for example knowing that a bus journey from Bogotá to Cartagena takes 20 hours.

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