
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Important information of Colombia

- Official name: Republic of Colombia.
- Area: 1,141,748 sq. km.
- Population: 46,940,612 inhabitants (2012 estimate).
- Capital: Bogota.
- Density: 40 inhab. / Km ².
- Languages: Spanish (official), numerous indigenous dialects.
- Currency: Colombian peso.
- Religion: Catholic overwhelming majority (nearly 90%).

- Government: Republic in semi-presidential system.
- Head of state: Juan Manuel Santos Calderon (since August 2010).
- World Heritage Sites by UNESCO: the harbor, and the monumental fortresses of Cartagena, the National Park Los Katíos; the historic center of Santa Cruz de Mompox, the Archaeological Park of San Agustín, the archaeological park National Tierradentro, the sanctuary of fauna and flora of Malpelo.


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