
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Geography, climate and weather Costa Rica

Costa Rica is one of seven countries of Central America. All in length, the country is bordered by Nicaragua, south by Panama, east by the Caribbean Sea, and west by the Pacific Ocean. The capital, the center of the country, is San Jose.

The vast majority of the population (90%) was white of European descent (mainly Spanish) and mestizo (mixed Spanish and Amerindian origin). The black population is mostly a result of Jamaica and gathered in the southern Caribbean coast.

Several chains of volcanoes almost entirely through the center of the country: Cordillera de Talamanca, Cordillera Central and Cordillera de Guanacaste. Highlights are the Chirripo Grande (3820 m) and the active volcano of Irazu (3432 m). You can also visit, among other Poas, (2708 m), Arenal (1630 m), the Barva (2906 m), Turrialba (3,339 m), Rincón de la Vieja, the Cerro de la Muerte (3491 m) ....

At the heart of the country, the Central Valley is home to three quarters of the population, especially in San Jose (400 000), the capital, which lies at the foot of the Irazu and Poas volcanoes. The main cities are Alajuela, Cartago and Puntaneras.

Plains the coast of the Caribbean Sea, very large, occupying nearly a third of the country, while the Pacific lowlands are narrower and are cut berries (Gulf of Nicoya, Dulce Gulf, Bay and Coronado).

The main river in Costa Rica is the San Juan (230 km) which defines the north part of the border with Nicaragua.


The climate of Costa Rica is very varied. The mountains are the source of three types of climate:

- The humid tropics of the Atlantic;

- The temperate zone of the Central Valley;

- The tropical Pacific characterized it, by very hot summers and rainy seasons very marked.

Average annual temperatures range from 32 ° C on the coast at 17 ° C inland. The Central Valley has an average temperature of 20 ° C throughout the year, which is referred to eternal spring.

The proximity of the equator determines two seasons on the coasts: a dry season from December to May, was called, and a rainy season begins in April or May and ends in December. The coasts of the Caribbean Sea are extremely wet, while along the Pacific, the dry season lasts 4-5 months.

What to pack

- Light cotton clothing, hat and sunscreen for your beach holidays.

- Warm clothes for trips to the Central Valley and to visit the volcanoes whose altitude is inversely proportional to temperature.

- In all cases, hiking boots (waterproof!) And rain gear because showers can occur at any time and are generally of high intensity.

Ecology, fauna and flora

Costa Rica is an extraordinary life refuge which contains 5% of global biodiversity. Approximately one third of the country is covered by forest. Costa Rica since 1945 is a pioneer in environmental protection. He now has a national conservation parks that protect more than 25% of the country and can save this great ecological wealth.

Today there are 19 national parks and 8 biological reserves. These parks protect about 13 000 plant species, 2,000 butterfly species, 4,500 species of moths, 163 species of amphibians, 220 reptiles, 1,600 species of freshwater fish and seafood, and 850 species of birds. Depending on the region you visit, you will have the opportunity to observe quetzals, various species of toucans, tapirs, deer, sloths, anteaters, monkeys and a wide variety of tropical flowers.

More than 1,000 species of orchids are grown in Costa Rica. The forests are rich ebony, balsa, mahogany and cedar ... In addition, Costa Rica is one of six places in the world where sea turtles in droves for spawning. Every year they arrive en masse on the beaches of Tortuguero, Playa Grande, Tamarindo, and Playa Ostional Nancite, during spawning.

Several gardens have been built to allow visitors to admire about the flora and fauna of the country. Two of them may be particularly marked. Include Lankester Botanical Gardens, and La Paz Waterfalls Gardens, Varablanca, on the flanks of the volcano Poás.

The best museums of Costa Rica are its parks. This is where his incomparable riches are preserved. Their entry will cost you around $ 6 per person (of course you can pay in colones, but the price is announced in dollars and it seems that this option is clearly preferred by rangers ...).
Those Costa Rican protected areas are huge, not closed and that extend over land or sea so this is to walk, to navigate or swim by opening the eye. .. and ears.

Most often, this is early morning you get a chance to catch the birds, hear the howler monkeys or iguanas distinguishing. Especially, do not touch anything (this can be dangerous), do not mutilate (what is protected) and get as quiet as possible.

Visiting certain parks requires the presence of a guide: it will prevent you from getting lost or taking unnecessary risks, but more importantly, it allows you to discover the wonders hidden from our eyes often inexperienced. The accompaniment of a guide is mandatory in some places very protected (particularly on the beaches of Tortuguero where turtles lay eggs).

Other parks are much easier to access, such as Cahuita, and trails offer fairly clear. Monkeys, accustomed to the passage of pedestrians, will certainly greet you and try to steal anything over your bag or your pocket!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post like it, Many prefer adventure holidays and when it is about adventure the place that first strikes anybody's mind is Costa Rica.


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