
Friday, June 1, 2012

Communication in Easter Island


- On the island, the goods are quite expensive, and inevitably you will not find any.
- Bring: flashlight (to go home on moonless nights), a small medical kit (Intetrix, Imodium, aspirin, broad spectrum antibiotics), sunscreen, good walking shoes, parka (especially during the austral winter ), swimsuit ...

Time difference

There are 6 hours time difference with France, Chile and 2h with 4 or 5 hours with Tahiti.

Telephone and telecommunications


In Hanga Roa, Phone Entel (located opposite the bank, and open Monday to Friday from 9am to 18pm) sells phone cards to call, but the price per minute is very high. Instead, use a prepaid card.

You can also send faxes and receive (pay).


There are few cafes in the center of Hanga Roa.

- Isla Net: on Atamu Tekena. Open Monday to Friday from 10h to 21h; flexible hours on weekends.

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