
Monday, June 18, 2012

Colombia: Sports and leisure

Archaeological sites

Colombia has much to delight fans of pre-Hispanic ruins with three major sites as spectacular - though less known - that the Macchu Pichu in Peru and Tiwanaku in Bolivia.

- La Ciudad Perdida, nestled in the jungles of the Sierra de Santa Marta is one of the largest pre-Columbian cities. Discovered in 1975, it was the capital of Indian tayrona the eleventh to the fourteenth century. We can get there in six days of walking through an organized tour from Santa Marta.

- San Agustin, in the south in the department of Huela, is a ceremonial burial site where stand hundreds of monumental statues anthropomorphic. San Agustin civilization remains a mystery, there is a peak in the fourteenth century and would have disappeared before the Spanish arrived.

- Tierradentro, north of San Agustin, near Popayan. World Heritage Site by Unesco, Tierradentro is distinguished by its unique underground funerary temples in America. They were built between the sixth and tenth centuries, and reflect the social complexity and cultural richness of a pre-Hispanic society in the northern Andes.


For the visitor, Colombia, as its Andean neighbors, offers fantastic opportunities for experienced mountaineers, especially in the parks of the Sierra de Santa Marta and the Sierra del Cocuy where there are few tourist facilities. For hiking, the Tayrona park and pre-Hispanic ruins of Ciudad Perdida in the forest, and the vast archaeological area of
​​San Agustin in Huila department, are places to recommend when the situation allows.

For those who prefer the bottom of the sea to high peaks, the Caribbean coast with its coral reef ideal place for diving and snorkelling. There are good clubs on the islands of San Andres and Providencia, which are also recommended for swimming and sunbathing on the beach. You reach by air from San Andrés several Colombian cities.

Another key activity for the traveler is that paragliding can be practiced at low cost in Bogota, Cali, but especially in the region of Antioquia in Medellin. We can also try rafting in San Gil in the department of Santander.

Cinema, theater

There are cinemas in all cities, a festival being held in March or April in Cartagena, while the theater, most elite finds its place in Bogotá (with a two-year in March and April), Cali and Medellin.

Bars and nightclubs

Colombians love to dance and party. The nightlife is lively and colorful. Often called "zona rosa" the focus district where bars and nightclubs. They play all kinds of music, international (including technology) or Latin.

In some cities like Cartagena, chivas are mobile bars; there is sung loudly and drinking rum! The concept has been emulated since it crosses now in New York and even in Paris during the feast of music (but without the rum!).

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