Traditions of Easter Island - The Traveller


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Traditions of Easter Island

Tapati Rapa Nui

The Tapati Rapa Nui, colorful traditional festival, is considered the largest cultural event in the Pacific. It takes place during two weeks in summer (between late January and late February).

The Tapati, revived in 1968, sees the organization of many events and traditional activities and sports, to observe and practice.

You will have little difficulty in inviting you to repeat or follow the events. But be aware that this is in no way a show for tourists: the Tapati, this is an opportunity for the islanders to renew annually with their traditions.

During the months preceding the holiday, the candidates are training constantly carving moai stone and wood to make boats for regattas, running with 15 pounds of bananas on his back, to swim in the waters of Rano Raraku volcano for triathlon. But there are also other events: rugs, tattoos on the body, recitations, string games (the Kaikai) and old songs.

The girls have for their part for the title of beauty queen. They are chosen by clans (numbering 12) to represent them. They are the future ambassadors of the island at parties or celebrations of the year. Events take place in different areas of the island.

These events are opportunities for islanders to show their attachment to their traditions.

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