Chile Traditions - The Traveller


Friday, May 4, 2012

Chile Traditions

Religions and beliefs

Chileans are Catholic in their vast majority (75%) and very marked by the values
​​of the Church. The influence of the latter - mostly ultraconservative and traditionalist - is felt heavily, not only at the individual and family, but also socially and politically. And of course, for everything concerning sexuality (including the difficulty of conducting campaigns on education and sexual health, and contraception to minors), divorce (which is no longer outlawed since 2004 only!), homosexuality (not at all accepted in attitudes), abortion (illegal and causing numerous illegal acts) and Women's Rights. In the summer of 2010, the Socialist deputies have shocked the country by proposing to legalize gay marriage!

Catholicism was the main theoretical reference the military regime during the 17 years of dictatorship. Pinochet, practicing Catholic, was a celebration of important religious ceremonies at every key moment of his dictatorship. Part of the Church has however risen against the arbitrary arrests, disappearances, non-observance of human rights, and has played a very important role in their defense. In recent years, many evangelical churches of North American origin have settled in Chile. They now comprise nearly 15% of Chileans.

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