
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Transport in Easter Island

The island with no means of transportation, you must choose between a car rental (4x4 or two-wheelers), a taxi ride, or group as part of an organized tour.

Other options: biking, horseback ... walking (while there, it's hot!). But be aware that these means of transport do not explore the whole island in one day.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Traditions of Easter Island

Tapati Rapa Nui

The Tapati Rapa Nui, colorful traditional festival, is considered the largest cultural event in the Pacific. It takes place during two weeks in summer (between late January and late February).

The Tapati, revived in 1968, sees the organization of many events and traditional activities and sports, to observe and practice.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Sports and Recreation in Easter Island

Walks in and around Hanga Roa
There are walks that can be easily done on foot or cycling independently, such as the village of Orongo (long enough and hot!) And close to Ahu Hanga Roa (Tahai, Akapu, and possibly Vinapu , for the most courageous, and Hanga Hanga Poukura Te'e).

For all other places (such as the Rano Raraku quarry or the beach of Anakena), we strongly recommend renting a car for a day (try grouping).

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Accommodations in Easter Island

There are more and more pensions on the island. This is the most economical way to shelter and one of the nicest, in contact with the islanders.

You can find everything from the family trip to the house or a detached bungalow.

Pensions are rarely indicated and there are no street numbers. So sometimes you pass several times before a board without seeing it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Geography, climate and weather in Easter Island


Located 3,760 km from Chile and 4,100 km from Tahiti, Easter Island is one of the most isolated lands in the world. The nearest inhabited island, Pitcairn (which has just about fifty people, descendants of the mutineers of the Bounty!) Fleet to almost 2,000 km to the west ...

Long of only 23 km and 12 km wide (173 km ²), Easter Island is in the form of an almost perfect isosceles triangle.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Culture of Easter Island

The moai - the mysterious statues

The moai are these mysterious statues whose earliest seem to have been cut from around 800 AD. We currently list nearly 887 on the island. It is thought that some might still be buried: the total number of moai approaching so maybe a thousand.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Food and Drink in Easter Island


With few exceptions, most show an unpretentious, if not silly, and offer dishes more or less similar, showing a king fish of the day (tuna and tuna still ... it's great but c is boring!), ceviche, chicken and steaks.
It is surprising how little of variety of fish on plates. This is actually the absence of coral reefs (real pantry) which makes small fish fauna of relatively rare. If you want to spend less, we can fall back on salads, sandwiches and empanadas.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Money exchange in Easter Island

Due to supply problems, everything is pretty expensive on the island. Food arriving by air every week and oil is delivered only three times a year. With the cost of transport and accommodation, the mythical Easter Island implies to have a budget accordingly...

- Credit cards: you can withdraw cash with your Visa card at the counter of the Banco del Estado, up to $ 400 per day (equivalent in pesos). The distributor outside the bank accepts only Cirrus and Maestro. Card payment possible in some stores and hotels, but they sometimes take a surtax of 4 to 10%.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Important things about Easter Island


Tourism is the main source of income for the island. Note also the activities of fishing and farming.

Before leaving to Easter Island

For diplomatic and entry formalities in Chile, see the section "Before departure" Destination Chile.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Easter Island

Easter Island of Rapa Nui, the island's official name although little used! There were many who tried to uncover the many mysteries, and still more those whose most extravagant assumptions about the origin of its people ...

Easter Island is paradoxically one of the most famous sites in the world because its famous monoliths have become a universal cliché. But it is quite remote from any human habitation! There are just 30 years, the island received only warship a year, providing food and equipment.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Chile Traditions

Religions and beliefs

Chileans are Catholic in their vast majority (75%) and very marked by the values
​​of the Church. The influence of the latter - mostly ultraconservative and traditionalist - is felt heavily, not only at the individual and family, but also socially and politically. And of course, for everything concerning sexuality (including the difficulty of conducting campaigns on education and sexual health, and contraception to minors), divorce (which is no longer outlawed since 2004 only!), homosexuality (not at all accepted in attitudes), abortion (illegal and causing numerous illegal acts) and Women's Rights. In the summer of 2010, the Socialist deputies have shocked the country by proposing to legalize gay marriage!

Catholicism was the main theoretical reference the military regime during the 17 years of dictatorship. Pinochet, practicing Catholic, was a celebration of important religious ceremonies at every key moment of his dictatorship. Part of the Church has however risen against the arbitrary arrests, disappearances, non-observance of human rights, and has played a very important role in their defense. In recent years, many evangelical churches of North American origin have settled in Chile. They now comprise nearly 15% of Chileans.

Sports and leisure Chile


This is the most popular sport and the country's first passion. These are the English expatriates who, in 1880, planted the seed of football in Latin America. The first Chilean clubs are therefore emerged in the 1920s.

In Chile, it must be a fan club! Men, it's almost an issue of integration. The choice of a team or another is correlated with social class. Preferences are shown: T-shirts, stickers, deco in cars ... An important game scheduled for the weekend comments from the previous Monday!


With its rivers, which flow from the Andes, Chile offers magnificent sites suitable for rafting. The descent of the Rio Bio-Bio, south of Concepcion, was a marvel. But the construction of dams Pangue and Ralco has changed the game and Rio has lost its popularity.

The followers of the sport he now prefer the Rio Futaleufu, 340 km south of Puerto Montt. Surprising, since the stream flowing through spectacular scenery and presents different levels of difficulty.

Other rivers also considered: the Río Trancura (Pucon area), the river Petrohue (region of Puerto Varas) and Rio Maipo (60 km from Santiago).

Please be aware that adventure travel is still very restricted in the country. It is strongly advised to ask their guides license (which should, of course, be up to date) and check the condition of the equipment.


The word rodeo comes from rodear, which means "circle, circle." Advantage of a practice of once a year to gather the cattle scattered to count and mark it, it turned into sports - very much alive in southern Chile but little publicized.


The ski season runs from mid June to mid September (austral winter). The stations with the finest ski areas are located near Santiago. For more information, see the chapter on that city.


For surfers, Chile, with its thousands of kilometers of coastline is a paradise. Close to the best spots, distributed along the coast north to Arica, Iquique and Antofagasta, there are more and more schools and / or equipment rental. It also surfs the south, in the sixth region (Pichilemu) and eighth (Lebu), and Easter Island (one spot to discover). Prudence, however, because the Pacific has the name of peace ... And better plan combined: the water is very cold!

In winter, the fans start sliding towards the Lake District, as in Puccn, where the free ride is developing on the flanks of volcanoes. But skiing is also practiced in the desert ... Around San Pedro de Atacama, the sandboarding on sand dunes is a must! We also practice in Iquique.

Volantin (kite)

The kite is a very old game, in which adults are competitors. In Chile, September is the month of kite flying, and if you're in that period, you will see anywhere! The great game is to coat the wire glass or cutting elements, to launch the kite and try to decapitate one of his neighbors!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Health and safety in Chile


Chile poses little health problems for the traveler. Hygiene is good and the risk of infectious disease vector (mosquitoes, etc..)


In South America, as elsewhere, accidents are the leading cause of death and repatriation.
Watch out for Chilean endless roads: in the desert North, sun glare and heat cause many accidents. In addition, dogs, donkeys and goats sometimes arise in the bend of the road! This is not the best climbing routes to the altiplano, especially those used by truckers in neighboring countries. Never release your vigilance.

- Medical Emergencies: tel. : 131.

The sun

In the north, the sun is strong! In the South, for several years now, we see the consequences of the famous hole in the ozone layer, which makes the sun's rays more harmful to the skin. Plan a sunscreen or sunblock with high index, lip balm and sunglasses effective. Please have also a collyrium (dust and sun dry eyes). Think finally to stay hydrated, especially at altitude. Altitude sickness (acute mountain sickness or "mountain sickness")

Occurs mainly above 3,000 m altitude. It is essential to be prepared: the eve of departure at altitude, drink lots of plain water, avoided alcohol, coffee and cigarettes eat light, sleep well. Trying to mount increments. Ideally, no more than 500 m of ascent per day beyond 2000 m.

The first few days should be allowed the body to adapt to conditions of altitude and therefore not to tire him: you will do less physical effort, the better off you will be. In case of mild headaches, take only paracetamol. Moreover, the preventive dose of Diamox is now recognized efficacy (at best prescribed by a specialist).

In case of violent symptoms, get off at faster than 500 m minimum.


Vaccinations called "universal"

As with any journey, it should be up to date for the following vaccines:

- Diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough;
- Hepatitis B;
- For children and all those born before 1980: measles-mumps-rubella (MMR).

The more specific vaccines

- No Yellow Fever in Chile; any administrative requirement for the vaccine (except to go to Easter Island when you come from an endemic area).

- Hepatitis A: Vaccination vital to all adult travelers born after 1950 in Europe.

- No malaria in Chile.

Miscellaneous advice

- Avoid contact with insects (especially with vinchucas, bugs) that transmit a daunting - fortunately rare - Disease: American trypanosomiasis or Chagas disease. For sensitive skin, protect against fleas!

- Rodents can transmit viral hemorrhagic fevers, sometimes frightening. Would catch the virus by contact with excrement or respiration of some animals. In practice, you run no risk.

To this was added hygiene rules well known:

- Prevent insect bites (repellents, nets, etc.).
- Stopping the diarrhea medicines can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription prior to departure.


Chile is probably the safest country in Latin America. It's still not a reason for failing to take minimal precautions. Take care of your belongings in public places (bus stations and trains, markets ...) and in public transport in Santiago.

- Tips: avoid walking with things of value. Always keep a copy of your papers (passport, driving license ...) at the hotel. As in all countries, out with the minimum amount of money on you. Do not flaunt cash in public, be discreet when paying. Wherever you are, if something goes wrong, Police: tel. : 133.

- In Santiago: as in all major cities, there are more risks. The case most often reported are pickpocketing, assault remain very rare.

- At Valparaiso: keep an eye on your belongings especially careful, because the city, economically unstable, has a petty crime than elsewhere. There rampant organized gangs who identify very quickly the foreigners, especially those who walk openly with valuables: cameras, camcorders ...

- On the road: better to ride day and night.