Transport in Canada - The Traveller


Friday, March 2, 2012

Transport in Canada

Car rental

The big car rental agencies are not always expensive and guarantee a fleet in excellent condition. Always call ahead and ask if the company offers a special. Do not hesitate to compare offers from multiple agencies. To rent a car in Canada, you must be at least 21 years (sometimes 25) and can show a payment card. The French driving license rose three-fold is valid in Canada. A tip for staying in the West, a plan to eventually arrive in Vancouver and one from Calgary (or vice versa) to save miles. Charges of abandonment of the vehicle are generally charged, but it always comes cheaper than gasoline.

Rental of motor homes

The network is extensive, with departures from Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, Whitehorse, Edmonton and the United States. Many formulas (one way or loop circuit, unlimited mileage or not). Attention, driving license and international license three components required in most cases. Book early!

Driving in Canada

Attention, the lamps are on the other side of the intersection: watch out not to stop in the middle of the intersection! In Western Canada, it is possible to "burn out legally" a red light when turning right ... if there is no other car at the intersection. Qand a yellow school bus stops to alight or students, flashing light and a small sign “STOP” are displayed on the driver's door. All cars must stop (the following and / or those just across the road), until the lights go out (even if there are no children ...) otherwise the fine is particularly salty! This is one of the worst offenses in Canadian traffic.

Most car parks are pay and expensive, especially in large cities. It is mandatory (when indicated) remove his car between 7am and 9am and between 16h and 18h, especially in large cities. The impoundments are super fast.

The train

Trains in English Canada are reduced roughly in the Toronto-Winnipeg-Saskatoon-Edmonton-Jasper-Vancouver. Jasper, a line also joins Prince George and Prince Rupert in northern British Columbia. They are rather slow and, hence, many people take the train to "travel differently 'rather than to move quickly from one place to another.

Economy class economy or comfort to said class. In Canada, all trains are non-smoking. In the east, the 1st class is called a Via. There was no more room, but the service is attentive and a hot lunch is included.


They are quite high, but fortunately there are many Express Deals, special offers interesting (up to 75% off!) For a particular route to a particular date, usually in economy class but not only announced on the website.

Ages 12-25 (or ISIC cardholders) and over 60 are entitled to discounts of around 30% for the former and 10% for the latter. Children 2 to 11 years travel at half the price.

- The Canrailpass is a map to make seven trips across Canada over a period of 21 days in economy class. Cost in 2011: $ 969 from June to mid-October, $ 606 the rest of the year reduction.

The bus

This conveyance is often more convenient than the train, with higher frequencies, and can travel very long distances without stopping. Canadian buses are reasonably comfortable and, in general, absolutely spotless. There is always toilet on board and TV with video often. Greyhound serves most of the territory, while being particularly well established in the west, instead serving Coach Canada Ontario and Quebec, and Orleans Express and InterCar La Belle Province.

In fact, two or more, renting a car quickly turns more favorable; especially as the Canadian bus networks do not have the density and the frequencies at which we are accustomed in Europe. In contrast, for solitary backpacker is relaxed and we made lots of wonderful encounters.

In general, students are awarded from 15 to 25% off full price. Greyhound, also discounts by buying the ticket in advance (10 to 50%) by buying it online, or by taking advantage of special offers. Also passes of 7, 15, 30 and 60 days.

The plane

Not much to report, except that given the size of the country, it may be necessary for certain trips. Air Canada offers regular special offers. Do not overlook WestJet fares, low-cost airline serving over 70 destinations in the country. Otherwise, for a return ticket bought in Europe, all companies offer interior passes with 30% discount.


Count a good week to go from Montreal to Vancouver, even if the stop is theoretically prohibited on motorways Anglophone provinces and, in general, British Columbia. Also note that in some corners of the Rockies, competition can be fierce in the summer. For the release of the cities, it is advisable to take a city bus. Truck Stops (truck stops) are also good points of "hook." Ask directly to drivers where they go.

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