Sports and Recreation in Quebec - The Traveller


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sports and Recreation in Quebec

The national and provincial parks

There are currently about forty national parks within Canada, and numerous provincial parks (provincial parks) and areas protected to varying degrees, depending on provincial governments or local authorities (Marine Conservation Areas, Heritage Rivers, national historic sites, migratory bird sanctuaries, reserves, etc..). Almost all aim to protect ecosystems, while allowing visitors to discover the riches of nature.

In Quebec, provincial parks are commonly known as national parks (National Park Jacques Cartier Park National des Grands Jardins, etc..). However, the province has only two national parks really (National Park Forillon, Gaspésie, and La Mauricie National Park). All the rest are national parks in Quebec, managed by the network SEPAQ - while national parks are dependent on Parks Canada. This distinction is important if you choose to purchase an annual pass gives you access to all parks, as that delivered by the SEPAQ is not valid in National Parks managed by Parks Canada, and vice versa.

Quebec always, you will find a dozen wildlife refuges, managed by the SEPAQ also. This is still protected areas, but it is primarily territorial fishing and hunting, where the forests (or mine) can be exploited. All activities are of course subject to strict conditions so that the renewal of wildlife is not threatened. Wildlife reserves are also places of resort.

Some info in bulk:

- Access to National Parks is paying.
- The price of access to national parks varies by site.
- The Canada National Parks are generally open all year but services are reduced out of season, especially after Labor Day (first Monday in September).
- Maps and brochures are routinely given at the entrance of the parks.
- In the reception centers, the proposed documentation, and staff will provide all necessary information to choose the excursions.
- Also included in these parks camping areas superbly located.
- Parks are by definition in nature and therefore, in season, much frequented by mosquitoes, black flies and other pesky birds and quills.
- On road signs, national parks of Canada are indicated by a white on brown beaver.
- The national and provincial parks in Canada are very different from their European counterparts. Not only are they paid, but as you probably figured out, they are also highly regulated. You may be surprised too, especially in Quebec, rather limited network of trails in some of these parks.

Information from Parks Canada and the SEPAQ.


These are exclusive territories for hunting and fishing belonging to a private owner. The provider has its own name hunting licenses and fishing valid for its territory. There are almost 700 in Quebec, and among them some very select club, reserved for wealthy members. Because, unlike wildlife reserves that manage hunting and fishing in a sustainable manner, the lodge is a business that "sells" of hunting and fishing for gold! Often far from all, some outfitters offer rustic accommodation on site, even rudimentary, but they grow increasingly into a resort. They are usually closed in winter.


The national sport is ice hockey. The "season" runs from October to May Each community, to the village of 500 inhabitants, has its own little training. Unfortunately, hockey is suffering from too much professionalism and is losing his good-natured side that made him so sympathetic. To recover the original spirit of hockey, catch a game of amateurs, if only for the ambiance.

Baseball is also quite popular among Quebecers, as well as the Canadian Football (a version of American football). As for rugby, even though Canadians attended the last World Cup, it's still a great unknown.

During your stay, a multitude of choices will be offered in sports and recreation, summer and winter.

Summer sports

A lot of Quebecers traveling by bicycle in cities. These are well equipped with bicycle lanes. In all regions as many circuits as possible in a day or several days (check with tourist offices). Hiking, canoeing, kayaking, climbing, golf, horse riding, sailing, scuba diving, flying boat, fishing ... and many more activities can be practiced in these regions.

Information from the Quebec Federation of walking, of the Federation of canoeing and kayaking and Velo Quebec.

Winter Sports

Many ski resorts and alpine skiing in Quebec. But beware, it's very cold winter. Snowmobile trails are also popular. Excursions organized by over 260 clubs of Quebec's. Walks with sled dogs are a "specialty" Canadian. Again, you'll have no trouble finding the best plan for you, day or night in an igloo. In short, not a dull winter either.

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