
Thursday, March 8, 2012


Of course it's not just landscapes and animals in Quebec: there are men and women who live in preserving the environment, build homes with bright colors, and developing cities where culture dominates.

Residents, mostly extremely kind and you will immediately love. But as a society tolerance towards minorities, open to the world, modern technology and innovation. If we, French, Belgians and Swiss, disembark en masse in our Quebec cousins, the reasons are both obvious and numerous. First, with the Acadians of Louisiana, Quebec is the only company outside the hexagon composed of direct descendants of French. This North American cousins
​​or intrigues us still fascinates us.

In Quebec, there is of course the pleasure of sharing a common language at the origin. You will probably be impressed with how Quebecers defending the French language (therewith) tooth and nail, they are identified in the middle of an English-speaking world. Openness, simplicity, humor and hospitality, this is probably, in summary, the best of the mentality of Quebec.

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