
Friday, March 16, 2012

Geography, climate and weather in Quebec


Three factors are important in the geography of Quebec. First, the St. Lawrence River. It rises in the Great Lakes and empties into the Atlantic. Meanwhile, he crosses Canada on 1140 km! This extraordinary river, whose flow is equivalent to those of the Rhine, the Volga and Nile together, constitute the main route into the country and has always, played a key role in the development of the country. Native Americans called it "the way that works." Over generations, they spoke of the great river of Hochelaga, River Cod, Great River, the path, and then the river of Canada ...

At its mouth in the Gulf, somewhere between the south and the Gaspe North Shore ... north, its width reaches 130 km!

Another important geographical factor: the Appalachians. This mountain range, stretching to the southeast United States, along the lowlands of Quebec to Gaspe peninsula, where his last foothills come to die in a riot of cliffs. These heavily eroded mountains (which rarely exceed 1 000 m) form the undulating landscape that can be found along the St. Lawrence.

Finally, a very old mountain range covers the remaining 80% of Quebec. This mountain range extends on both sides of Hudson Bay and form what is called "the Shield", largely leveled by glaciers during the last glacial period. These lands have many forests and a vast river system with several rivers is used to generate electricity.


- It can get very hot in summer. Nevertheless a sweater for the evenings and a raincoat in case of rain are needed. For those who intend to undertake a boat trip for whale watching: it's very cold on the water, even in summer. Therefore, provide sweaters, thick socks and scarf.

- The indications are valid for the southern part of the country. In May and September, hot days but cool nights. In June, hot. In July and August, very hot (although the weather starts to cool off in mid-August).

In September, in general, some fine day announcing the Indian summer, but cool nights. In October, Fresh chilled.

In November, quite cold and early frost. In December, January and February, cold (0 ° C to - 5 ° C) to very, very cold (- 40 ° C at worst), with beautiful sunny days. This is the season of ski, snowmobile or snowshoe races, even if the global warming of the planet made the winters milder - and the threat of freeze-up lakes and rivers. South of Quebec, the presence of snow is no longer, as before, automatic, difficult to predict with certainty.

In March and April, it's time the long-awaited thaw. If the thaw usually turns cities into vast expanse of slush (slush of melted snow), the period is not less often pleasant and sunny, with some days providential opening of sidewalk cafes. It is also the period when one bleeds maple syrup to ...

Indian summer

Autumn is punctuated by this particular phenomenon in North America. After the first shivers, it usually occurs a heat wave that lasts a good week. Vegetation suspends its march toward destitution and offers colors, shades and unique own the New World.

Quebec is ideally visited the magical moment of the Indian summer, the last week of September to mid-October depending on latitude.

Native Americans of the past took advantage of this mild period to sink into the wood and build up reserves.

Quebec forest

The forest is 20% of the forested area of
​​Canada and includes three vegetation zones from south to north: mixed hardwood (yellow birch and fir), boreal (spruce, fir and white birch) and taiga. Beyond the tundra begins. Over 50 species of trees are identified; none are threatened with the exception of elm. There is a maple dieback, which we do not yet know the cause.

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