Accommodation in Quebec - The Traveller


Friday, March 16, 2012

Accommodation in Quebec


Canada is one of the best organized countries for camping! However, many of them do not open until June and closed in September, because the nights are cold. They are often large and offer good locations isolated from each other. Unspoiled natural wood tables, clean sites ... Most have a laundry room with washers (washing machine) and dryers (dryer), shelter or rooms equipped for inclement weather; on each site, typically found a home for firewood and picnic table.

Prices vary depending on location and "services" (water, electricity and sewage). It is strongly advised to book in summer camping in national parks. In some very remote campsites, or early and late season in the other, you pay through a system of envelopes to be deposited in a box store that comes back later. Some campgrounds rent huts summaries, minichalets or bungalows, with or without toilets. The most comfortable rooms with a kitchenette and a barbecue outside. Attention, often the sheets are not provided. The camping is available in tourist offices. You can also visit the national and provincial parks, the guide of campsites in Quebec - or order a free hard copy.


The Canadian AJ are generally great: warm, sources of good tips about the area and meeting point for travelers. For an individual, to sleep in dormitory costs about the same price as the campsite (you can also camp there ... sometimes). Sheets are usually provided or available for rent (about $ 3), otherwise provide a sleeping bag rather than down, frowned as likely to contain small critters...!

AJ has some few private rooms and more, but not always. They generally share the bathroom.
There is no age limit to stay in AJ in Canada. In hostels affiliated with Hostelling International network wide (which includes the French FUAJ), expect to pay $ 4 more if you are not a member. Some AJ Quebec, although non-members of Hostelling International, sometimes give a discount to card holders.

Student residences

Accommodation in the universities, the summer is not as good a solution as it sounds, because the facs are often distant from the center and buildings without any charm. In addition, it fills up quickly and it is better to book in advance. There are still moderately priced, some comfort: private bathroom (most often), community kitchen, laundry, linen rental, etc..

Inns, hotels

Rather than the hotel, we recommend the gites - the equivalent of our guest houses or bed & breakfast - also designated in French Canada by the lovely and warm term Couette et Café. We lodge at the inhabitant where the welcome and friendliness rivaling the abundance of breakfast. This breakfast ("breakfast" in Canada) is a real institution.

It is not uncommon that the bathrooms are shared. The private bathroom is usually climbing the note, and it is not uncommon that it reduces the size of the room.

The larger houses are often home to hostels, halfway between the heel and the hotel. Often closer to the charming, they are mostly in the "Chic". Small drawback: it is often necessary to book in advance in summer and cancellation policies are very disadvantageous. The term "inn" is not a guarantee: some have little more charm than a regular bed.

In Quebec, the term Gîtes du Passant is not a general term for cottages, but a famous name assigned by the association of the Farm and Tourism greedy Quebec, which regularly monitors the addresses - in the However, preventing their passage ... There is also another association, also very serious, the Network of deposits classified.

A number of lodge owners take their holidays at the time of the feast of Thanksgiving (second Monday in October).

Notice to smokers: in almost all the houses "smoking" is prohibited.
Notice to families even if it is never displayed (because it is forbidden), children are not always welcome in shelters or hostels, especially in places a bit upscale...

Hotels and motels

Most hotels are similar to those found in the United States: comfortable, functional but not overly friendly. That said, we must recognize that from two people the price of the night in motel gets interesting (and four, cheaper than AJ!). A charming hotel has nevertheless developed in the tourist areas, but this spell has a cost...

Prices are for two people, but often one room has two queen beds (large) and can thus accommodate up to four people. Rose to 10 to $ 20 per additional person, sometimes less, sometimes more. Breakfast is rarely included in the price of the room, or it will be a coffee served in a Styrofoam cup and a few muffins or bagels to munch.

For motels, it is similar, except that they are generally on the periphery and they have free parking. In town, however, expect to pay dearly to park: up to $ 25 per day!

At airports, some tourist offices and some bus stations, you will find phones directly connected to hotels. Some of them even offer transportation from the airport or bus station.


  1. How strange--I am noticing several blogs from Canada. Whatsup with indibloggers--why are you hanging out in the cold north? In btw, do love this post--becoz acco is usually my first concern(:- Thanks for the heads up!

    1. Bhavana, Thanks for your concern. Actually I am writing about the countries in an alphabetical order hence writing about the cold north.


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