
Monday, February 6, 2012

Geography, climate and weather In Canada


Canada is the country of wide open spaces blank. It extends about 5000 km from a coast to coast. The border with the United States more or less follows the route of the 49th parallel to the Great Lakes and across Lakes Superior. To the north, Canada extends far beyond the Arctic Circle.

Canadian territory can be divided into five major areas:

- The Appalachian region to the southeast (Maritime Provinces);
- "Canadian Shield" in the center and east of the country (region of St. Lawrence, southern Ontario and Quebec);
- Prairies (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and part of Alberta);
- The Rockies, west;
- Pacific coast, bathed by relatively mild temperatures and frequent rain.

The West is a very active region, while the East is less dynamic, as you move away from the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes regions of Toronto and Montreal dominate the economic and cultural activity .

We distinguish the Atlantic area (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island), facing the ocean, although agriculture remains important.

In the center, Quebec and Ontario have long formed the dynamic axis of Canada. The Prairies include the Southern Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, a vast plain devoted to livestock and agriculture. The arrival of the railroad led to the development of Winnipeg, Regina and Saskatoon, and the discovery of oil has pushed Calgary.

Finally, the Pacific coast is dominated by Vancouver, British Columbia. Industrial and commercial, it exports mainly to Asia, from which originate the third of its inhabitants.

As for the Canadian North, a vast and largely untapped, it develops in small urban centers with an administrative and commercial. It is the refuge of the Amerindian civilization.


Basically, the more one goes south, the hotter it gets. Most Canadians live elsewhere in the area. Here are some guidelines apply to the southern part of the country, except Pacific coast: in May and September, warm days but cool nights, and in June, hot in July and August, very hot and rather dry, and in October of fresh chilled and in November, quite cold and early frost, in December, January and February, very, very cold with beautiful sunny days in March and April, shy thaw and early thaw.

- In the area of
​​Niagara Falls, the weather is favorable for the vineyards. In winter, we took the opportunity to make the famous ice wine, nectar of frozen grapes and partly dried by the cold. Niagara Falls is partly petrified in ice.

- In Western countries, there are even three different climatic zones.

The Pacific coast enjoys a microclimate mild and moist. It rains a lot in winter, less in summer. There is rarely extreme heat.

The southern interior of British Columbia is, however, very dry. You can even suffer from the heat.

In the Rocky Mountain region, finally, the climate is alpine, so cold and dry.

- Alberta is one of the sunniest provinces in Canada, with Saskatchewan and Manitoba, who enjoy a dry continental climate, characterized by variations in incredible temperatures from summer to winter.

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