Food and Drink in Canada - The Traveller


Monday, February 6, 2012

Food and Drink in Canada

The English part is, at first glance, the most Americanized culinary point of view that Quebec, francophone and lover of good food.

In small towns and villages, as the roadside, do not expect to make gourmet feasts. Enjoy without guilt rather thick club sandwiches, huge pizzas and other frozen chocolate pies.

In recent years, efforts are visible in culinary, food and "health" is more relevant than ever. Toronto to Vancouver and in Calgary, Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg, there are plenty of good restaurants, where chefs cook up quality cuisine. French and European techniques to meet the best local products and influences of the various immigrant communities: this is called fusion cuisine or, in a more watered down, kitchen Pacific Northwest. Tradmixed local produce know-how Mediterranean. In the case of fusion cuisine, it is not unusual to see even in a kitchen of Japanese shiitake mushrooms, the soy sauce or teriyaki, fresh goat cheese, cranberries or blueberries (blueberries), shoots soybean or alfalfa.

The general trend is for organic food. Everyone there is almost set in the cities.

- In Alberta, you'll never be disappointed if you order meat. In the land of cowboys, the beef is tender and tasty. There are even bison, stronger and tastier than its cousin.

- In British Columbia, salmon, halibut (halibut) and shellfish are kings. They are fresh and affordable. They are almost always served grilled or fried, oysters included. The most classic is the fish & chips.

- Toronto is present even today as one of the most cosmopolitan cities of the world, with the consequent proliferation of restaurants, cafes and markets, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Jewish, Portuguese ...

There are a few around town food stores (convenience stores) late night and early morning, and even Sundays and holidays, like Seven-Eleven (7-11). However, these stores are much more expensive than supermarkets. On the edge of towns, many supermarkets also have very practical opening hours (8 am to 23 pm) and offer a huge selection.


The wine

Ontario (Niagara Region) and British Columbia (Okanagan Valley) produce good wines. A spirit of adventure and experimentation opens up some pleasant surprises, especially on the side of white wine (choice of grape varieties are Riesling and Chardonnay), although the Canadian Red (Cabernet Franc grape is the best developed) are clearly increasing. The VQA (Vintners Quality Alliance) is a kind of overlapping AOC designation is a provincial, or geographical.

The miracle of the wine remains the Canadian ice wine produced mainly in the Niagara region from grapes that have frozen on the vine in early winter. Sugar is so highly concentrated, giving a very sweet dessert wine. It is sold 50 to $ 70 Ca in beautiful bottles of 375 ml.


Beer is much more affordable and Canadians are a relatively high. The tradition is not new. Molson Canadian, one of the most popular, has its origins in Montreal in the eighteenth century. Another safe bet: the Labatt Blue. Both brands are sold in bottles or on tap.

Semi craft microbreweries, which produce local beer (called craft beers in English Canada), have been very successful across the country. In Vancouver, try Granville Pale Ale (Granville Island Brewery). In Ontario, the microbrewery beers are very popular Sleeman.

Other drinks

- In the era of perfect form and unforgiving controls drinking and driving, young Canadians drink more alcohol without energy drinks containing ginseng, ginger, caffeine and other tonics.
- In most restaurants, we serve immediately a tall glass filled with ice water, winter and summer.

- Most good restaurants and coffee shops are now equipped with espresso machines and cappuccino. Coffee shops are the North American version of our coffees. It takes a coffee percolator, a cappuccino or caffe latte, possibly with a muffin or a scone. The American chain Starbucks is widespread in Canada, as Canadian channels Second Cup and Tim Hortons, which often plays the role of friendly village cafe in smaller communities.

- The Clamato, a tomato juice of suspect clam juice. On balance, we feel just a taste of the lobster. Clamato especially between the composition of Caesar, Canadian cousin of Bloody Mary. Often served with a celery stalk or pickled green beans, it can be consumed alcohol (with vodka), in which case it is called Caesar slippers.

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