
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Health and Safety In Canada

Health Insurance

In Canada, health care costs are very high for foreign tourists (hospital rates from 1 000 to 2 000 CA $ per day). Hospitals and clinics require the submission of an insurance ID card to accept an admission. It is therefore essential to subscribe, before departure, travel insurance with full repatriation assistance.

Quebec hospital emergency rooms are very, very congested, and delays in care are very long: it is the (large) of a weak health system also excellent.


- 911: toll-free number to dial 24 h/24 for all types of emergencies.

Hospital emergency rooms are often very, very congested and time to support very long. This is the weak point of a health system also excellent.


By the end of winter, mosquitoes and black flies (black flies biting) proliferate and attack with an aggressiveness that is rarely seen. They can quickly transform your stay into a nightmare (especially from mid-June to mid July).

Some mosquitoes can transmit even, in the south, a potentially fatal disease: the West Nile virus encephalitis. No vaccine available.

Only protection, protective clothes and mosquito nets, and effective skin repellents. On site, in specialty stores in the camping, there are a range of products adapted to the country. But beware, they are generally unusable for 12 years. And bad for your health in any event. If you are traveling with children, buy more before departure (for example the range Insect Screen), or opt for clothing nets, mosquito-like mini head.

Also, ticks are very numerous in all forest areas and tree, in other words almost all of southern Canada. But we must be especially careful in the park area Long Point in southern Ontario.

Ticks can transmit a dangerous infection: Lyme disease. To avoid this, when all rural living:

wrap up warm head (hat), arms, legs and feet (preferably insecticide-impregnated clothing);

do not hesitate to coat the sides remained discoveries with repellents (repellents); check yourself and get regular inspections to reduce the risk (it takes 24 h to a tick to transmit disease).


With a low crime rate and an almost nonexistent crime, Canada is not a dangerous destination. Of course, as everywhere, do not attempt the devil and take basic precautions against theft. In the evening, avoid neighborhoods less repute, including Vancouver. The major problem of urban Canada, are homeless, a phenomenon exacerbated by political and social factors. In places, downtown, misery is obvious.

In nature

Many bears roam the forests of the West. Although they rarely represent a danger, we should be careful. When camping, the major precaution is to never leave food in or near your tent, or even toiletries like toothpaste. It is therefore advisable to pack supplies in a plastic bag.
When meeting face to face with a bear, first throw down all the food you are carrying. Do not run away.

Without being alarmist, grizzly bear attacks on humans have increased in recent years in the Rockies, where civilization encroaches on the territory of bears in the Canmore area, in particular.

In the north, the forests are infested with mosquitoes and black flies, small black flies that bite ferociously. Arm yourself with repellents, avoid perfume and wear dark colored clothes. June is the worst month of the year.

On the road signs indicate areas populated by moose (elk) and other caribou. Slow down, especially at night.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Staying In Canada

You will pay dearly in the summer and during Christmas holidays, from 20 to 30% less in spring and fall and up to 40-50% less in winter - with the exception of ski resorts. In summer, it's much better book.


Canada is one of the best organized countries in the world for camping! Many sites are still closed until May-June and again from Thanksgiving Day (mid-October), when it's not September.

Quite often, the sites have a home to wood fires. Prices range between $ 35 and Ca 15 for a tent depending on location and available services. It is advisable to book in summer, especially near large cities. Many campsites rent "minichalets" (cabins). Bookings through Discover Camping and National Parks.


The Canadian AJ are often warm, mixed and no chores. They are not too expensive: 20 to 35 $ Ca night, sheets and towels usually included. In all, you will find a fully equipped kitchen and Internet access (fee). Many also are those who offer private rooms, basic but little more expensive (per person) as dormitories. Outside the cities, it is not too rare to be able to plant his little "Canadian". In the hostels official said, expect to pay $ 4 more Ca if you are not in possession of the Hostelling International card.

AJ's unofficial backpacker type, usually give discounts to members of Hostelling International.

Reservation with a credit card on the website of Hostelling Canada. There is no age limit to stay in AJ.

Student residences

The accommodation in the universities was not necessarily a good solution because the facs are often distant from the center and the rooms are not always cheap. Their prices are between those hotels and AJ.

The advantage is that they often have a community kitchen and that there are clean and fairly comfortable, mostly en suite.

Gites, B & B Bed and Breakfast

The B & B are popular in Canada! At equal price, it's much easier to use than the hotel. First, because you'll most often in a welcoming family, then because everything is obviously more personal than a hotel, and finally that breakfast is included in the price.

Just one caveat: there are many addresses falling in the category "more chic." In general, it is totally justified, but, suddenly, these B & B are not within reach of every budget ... Another drawback: it is often necessary to book in advance in summer.

Information from numerous associations dedicated and tourist offices.

Hotels and motels

Most hotels are similar to those found in the United States: comfortable, functional but not overly friendly. From two, the price of the night in motel gets interesting (and four, cheaper than AJ!). A charming hotel has nevertheless developed in the tourist areas, but this spell has a cost ...

Often a room with two king beds or queen size (large) and can thus accommodate up to four people. Rose to 10 Ca $ 20 per additional person. Breakfast is rarely included in the price.

For motels, it is similar, except that they tend to be located in the periphery and they always have free parking. In town, we saw hotels take up to $ 25 Ca / day for parking!

Exchange houses or apartments

A vacation package that is more and more followers, relatively inexpensive and widely practiced overseas. It is about sharing your own home (whether you are owner or tenant) against that of a member of the same organization in the country of his choice during the holiday period. Agencies HomeLink International and Intervac proven.


Typical accommodation in Western ranches in Alberta and British Columbia are home to more and more visitors for less money than American ranches. All ranches are located on huge land, either in the region of the interior plateau of British Columbia, or the Great Plains of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, along the mountainous regions, including Rockies. The ranches are never far from a lake or river, is practiced not only riding, hiking and climbing, but also canoeing, swimming, rafting, fishing .. . Some ranches are open even in winter.

You can sleep in dormitories, in individual chalets in logs, in the main building or camping. Possibility of B & B or full board. Children are not always accepted.

There are two main types of ranches.

- The working ranches are still in business. It raises cattle and horses. Very nice rustic comfort.

- The guest ranches specialize in welcoming visitors, although some had yet sometimes some livestock.

Warning: Canadian families often reserve well in advance to stay. The list of selected ranches duly published by the tourist offices in Alberta and British Columbia.

Lodges, chalets and resorts

This is another type of accommodation "nature." While some are reserved for hunters and fishermen, the lodges are especially safe havens, often located near or within national or provincial parks. The lodges are made up of chalets or log cabins-(in logs) and all kinds of sports are offered. But that happiness has a price ...

Ask the guides Accommodation (housing) and sometimes more specifically Lodges, provided free by the tourist offices of the Canadian provinces.

Geography, climate and weather In Canada


Canada is the country of wide open spaces blank. It extends about 5000 km from a coast to coast. The border with the United States more or less follows the route of the 49th parallel to the Great Lakes and across Lakes Superior. To the north, Canada extends far beyond the Arctic Circle.

Canadian territory can be divided into five major areas:

- The Appalachian region to the southeast (Maritime Provinces);
- "Canadian Shield" in the center and east of the country (region of St. Lawrence, southern Ontario and Quebec);
- Prairies (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and part of Alberta);
- The Rockies, west;
- Pacific coast, bathed by relatively mild temperatures and frequent rain.

The West is a very active region, while the East is less dynamic, as you move away from the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes regions of Toronto and Montreal dominate the economic and cultural activity .

We distinguish the Atlantic area (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island), facing the ocean, although agriculture remains important.

In the center, Quebec and Ontario have long formed the dynamic axis of Canada. The Prairies include the Southern Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, a vast plain devoted to livestock and agriculture. The arrival of the railroad led to the development of Winnipeg, Regina and Saskatoon, and the discovery of oil has pushed Calgary.

Finally, the Pacific coast is dominated by Vancouver, British Columbia. Industrial and commercial, it exports mainly to Asia, from which originate the third of its inhabitants.

As for the Canadian North, a vast and largely untapped, it develops in small urban centers with an administrative and commercial. It is the refuge of the Amerindian civilization.


Basically, the more one goes south, the hotter it gets. Most Canadians live elsewhere in the area. Here are some guidelines apply to the southern part of the country, except Pacific coast: in May and September, warm days but cool nights, and in June, hot in July and August, very hot and rather dry, and in October of fresh chilled and in November, quite cold and early frost, in December, January and February, very, very cold with beautiful sunny days in March and April, shy thaw and early thaw.

- In the area of
​​Niagara Falls, the weather is favorable for the vineyards. In winter, we took the opportunity to make the famous ice wine, nectar of frozen grapes and partly dried by the cold. Niagara Falls is partly petrified in ice.

- In Western countries, there are even three different climatic zones.

The Pacific coast enjoys a microclimate mild and moist. It rains a lot in winter, less in summer. There is rarely extreme heat.

The southern interior of British Columbia is, however, very dry. You can even suffer from the heat.

In the Rocky Mountain region, finally, the climate is alpine, so cold and dry.

- Alberta is one of the sunniest provinces in Canada, with Saskatchewan and Manitoba, who enjoy a dry continental climate, characterized by variations in incredible temperatures from summer to winter.

Culture In Canada


English Canada, near the giant, lies in its cultural specificity, particularly in regard to the cinema. In 1939 was created the National Film Board, which allowed young Quebec filmmakers to create a direct style of reportage.

The English side, Norman McLaren is among the pioneers of experimental animated film, with multiple processes to print directly onto film (painting, scraping ...), which are similar to the techniques of art more than those film industry.

Until recently, Canadian cinema came down to Quebec films. For example, the greatest theatrical success was (still is!) Porky's (1976), the ancestor of the comedy Fat campus with a pee-poo humor of low and very nondescript type of nonsense American Police Academy or American Pie.

Today, David Cronenberg is Canadian filmmaker undoubtedly the most recognized worldwide. Knows how to combine his inimitable style, in the fantasy genre, creativity and entertainment, to create a world of more personal: his best known films are The Dead Zone, Dead Ringers, Crash and A Historu of Violence. Atom Egoyan is also facing an international audience, especially since The Sweet Hereafter, Jury Prize at Cannes in 1997.

Inuit ("men" in Inuktitut)

Inuit are the indigenous northern Canada. They live in Nunavut and northern Quebec, Labrador and the Northwest territories. They would be about 45,000, or one third of the Inuit world. Two thirds live in their home region, the other being disseminated in major cities of the country.
The Inuit have appeared in the northeast of Canada 4500 years ago. The real clash of cultures that have occurred in the years 1940-1950 with the establishment of permanent military bases, government services, like education and health, and housing programs to encourage Inuit to abandon their nomadic life. Today, if the hunt remains for many an extra income, especially the Inuit working in mines, oil-related activities, construction and services.

Political and cultural renewal

With the achievements of the Convention of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, signed in 1975, the Inuit begin to regain control of their destiny. Working independently, local institutions responsible for administering and developing the region in all sectors.

Administrative and political achievements now allow it to support education in Inuktitut.
But the pride and dynamism are the prime movers of the revival in the land of walrus, narwhal and polar bear. In May 2001, the first Inuit film Atanarjuat, the legend of the Fast, Zacharias Kunuk, received the Camera d'Or at Cannes.

Niagara Falls

Falls are the center of the city, itself transformed into a veritable carnival: huge neon signs, many and varied attractions, Niagara Falls are a small Las Vegas. Once the surprise had passed, and ignoring the lights and bustling activity, one is captivated by the falls, gigantic, fascinating.
To take full advantage, prefer early morning visits. Far from the tourist stampedes, you will appreciate the full majesty of the place.


- Western Uplands (Algonquin Park): composed of 3 loops, 32, 55 and 88 km. Allow 3 to 7 days. The more varied. Slot to make fire.

- Spray River and Goat Creek (Banff): the scenery is different and the journey is as difficult in one direction as in another. Count 6h (round trip), but what ride! Starting early in the morning you may be lucky enough to see across the road by several herds of deer, fallow deer, all in the morning mist.

- Rock Bound Lake (Banff): to do in the day. Hiking sporty enough. Beautiful landscapes of alpine type reflected in a lake of green water. The view is worth the effort.

- Twin Lake (Banff): Count 3: 30 pm to 3 pm to go. Two possible paths. Impressive view of the peaks at the foot of which lies a lake wisely. Landscapes very addictive.

Food and Drink in Canada

The English part is, at first glance, the most Americanized culinary point of view that Quebec, francophone and lover of good food.

In small towns and villages, as the roadside, do not expect to make gourmet feasts. Enjoy without guilt rather thick club sandwiches, huge pizzas and other frozen chocolate pies.

In recent years, efforts are visible in culinary, food and "health" is more relevant than ever. Toronto to Vancouver and in Calgary, Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg, there are plenty of good restaurants, where chefs cook up quality cuisine. French and European techniques to meet the best local products and influences of the various immigrant communities: this is called fusion cuisine or, in a more watered down, kitchen Pacific Northwest. Tradmixed local produce know-how Mediterranean. In the case of fusion cuisine, it is not unusual to see even in a kitchen of Japanese shiitake mushrooms, the soy sauce or teriyaki, fresh goat cheese, cranberries or blueberries (blueberries), shoots soybean or alfalfa.

The general trend is for organic food. Everyone there is almost set in the cities.

- In Alberta, you'll never be disappointed if you order meat. In the land of cowboys, the beef is tender and tasty. There are even bison, stronger and tastier than its cousin.

- In British Columbia, salmon, halibut (halibut) and shellfish are kings. They are fresh and affordable. They are almost always served grilled or fried, oysters included. The most classic is the fish & chips.

- Toronto is present even today as one of the most cosmopolitan cities of the world, with the consequent proliferation of restaurants, cafes and markets, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Jewish, Portuguese ...

There are a few around town food stores (convenience stores) late night and early morning, and even Sundays and holidays, like Seven-Eleven (7-11). However, these stores are much more expensive than supermarkets. On the edge of towns, many supermarkets also have very practical opening hours (8 am to 23 pm) and offer a huge selection.


The wine

Ontario (Niagara Region) and British Columbia (Okanagan Valley) produce good wines. A spirit of adventure and experimentation opens up some pleasant surprises, especially on the side of white wine (choice of grape varieties are Riesling and Chardonnay), although the Canadian Red (Cabernet Franc grape is the best developed) are clearly increasing. The VQA (Vintners Quality Alliance) is a kind of overlapping AOC designation is a provincial, or geographical.

The miracle of the wine remains the Canadian ice wine produced mainly in the Niagara region from grapes that have frozen on the vine in early winter. Sugar is so highly concentrated, giving a very sweet dessert wine. It is sold 50 to $ 70 Ca in beautiful bottles of 375 ml.


Beer is much more affordable and Canadians are a relatively high. The tradition is not new. Molson Canadian, one of the most popular, has its origins in Montreal in the eighteenth century. Another safe bet: the Labatt Blue. Both brands are sold in bottles or on tap.

Semi craft microbreweries, which produce local beer (called craft beers in English Canada), have been very successful across the country. In Vancouver, try Granville Pale Ale (Granville Island Brewery). In Ontario, the microbrewery beers are very popular Sleeman.

Other drinks

- In the era of perfect form and unforgiving controls drinking and driving, young Canadians drink more alcohol without energy drinks containing ginseng, ginger, caffeine and other tonics.
- In most restaurants, we serve immediately a tall glass filled with ice water, winter and summer.

- Most good restaurants and coffee shops are now equipped with espresso machines and cappuccino. Coffee shops are the North American version of our coffees. It takes a coffee percolator, a cappuccino or caffe latte, possibly with a muffin or a scone. The American chain Starbucks is widespread in Canada, as Canadian channels Second Cup and Tim Hortons, which often plays the role of friendly village cafe in smaller communities.

- The Clamato, a tomato juice of suspect clam juice. On balance, we feel just a taste of the lobster. Clamato especially between the composition of Caesar, Canadian cousin of Bloody Mary. Often served with a celery stalk or pickled green beans, it can be consumed alcohol (with vodka), in which case it is called Caesar slippers.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Money, banks, exchange

The Canadian dollar is worth a little less than the greenback. It is divided into one hundred cents worth in late 2010, about 0.70 €.

- For large expenses (hotels, gas, etc..), The most economical is to settle with a payment card (although a small commission is normally taken by your French bank for each transaction). Indeed, the threshold of money can be withdrawn at the counter with his card is limited, if you pay everything in cash, it may be easily reached. Service stations take the international payment cards the most common; ask anyway before refueling.

- To have cash, the easiest way is to remove on-site with an international payment card at ATMs (called ATM for Automatic Teller Machine) found almost everywhere. A fixed fee (typically $ 2-3 Ca, sometimes in small machines located in shops or hotels) and a small percentage variable being collected for each withdrawal, it is best to withdraw large sums rather than multiplying operations. Specific commissions (usually $ 2-3 Ca) are added when removing small distributors in hotels, service stations or other businesses. Some ATM does not take Visa or MasterCard's.

IMPORTANT: The price shown does not correspond to actual prices. By provinces, but it will add 7 to 15% tax and, in restaurants, the service (about 15%, according to satisfaction).


For the traveler, the cost of living in Canada is roughly comparable to that of France, even a little higher in the English provinces. It is certainly higher than the United States.

One exception: gasoline, about 50% cheaper.
Prices indicated are without taxes.


The price ranges listed are from the high tourist season (summer, except in the ski resorts where, of course, it is in winter as prices rise).

- Cheap: It's up to $ 40 (about 30 €) per person per night (dorm or double room at the inns).
- Average price: 80 to 140 CA $ (60 to 105 €) per night for 2 in a private room (hotel, motel or B & B).
- More chic: 140 to 220 CA $ (105 to € 165) for 2. Top class hotels and B & B charm.
- Very smart: It's more than $ 220 (€ 165) for 2.


In addition to taxes (a little over 10% in restaurants), add the gratuity (tip), mandatory, about 15%. Ultimately, it is 25% higher prices displayed menus that there should be!

Prices below reflect a meal consisting of a simple dish; it is usually more than enough to be able to do without something else.

- Cheap: Less than $ 15 Ca (11 €).
- Average Prices: 15 to $ 25 Ca (11 to 19 €).
- More chic: more than 25 CA $ (19 €).

Taxes and gratuities (tips)

Prices shown are not the ones you'll actually pay. In hotels and shops, the customer must also pay two taxes: a harmonized sales tax, 14% plus GST (Goods and services, GST in English) which is 6% (the Alberta does not apply). A total count is 20% higher than the prices quoted.

In restaurants, applicable taxes and GST are the Liquor Tax (Liquor Tax). Together, they represent just over 10% of the bill ... that it will still add the service, about 15% of tax-free.

Since 2007, there is unfortunately no longer possible to recover the GST. No need to keep all receipts as the good old days...

The tips

These are the tips. Servers have a very low salary (about $ 6 an hour Ca), and most of their income comes from tips. It is an institution to which you must not deviate. It is customary to leave 15% of total tax-free.

If you pay the bill with a credit card, do not forget to fill your own box "Tip" which appears on the receipt, otherwise, the server can handle it himself ... On some more modern aircraft, it must first enter the desired tip (either $ or in% Ca) before dialing code.


- The famous cover of 100% Wool Bay Company Hudson (called coverage points), on sale in the store chain Hudson's Bay Compagny. The pattern with green stripes, red, yellow and black on white, has never changed.

- For fans, the famous whiskey Crown Royal and Canadian Club, Canadian specialties.
- The Indian handicrafts: it is in the West that is the most renowned Native American artists, as Bill Reid, one can admiring the impressive sculptures at the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver. The museum shop sells some fine reproductions.

- Inuit Art: many shops and galleries reserve an important place for Inuit sculptures, made of soapstone (steatite). To authenticate the artist's work, the Canadian government applies a label showing an igloo.

- In Alberta, you will bring boots and cowboy hats, but also leather belts "western" and the famous "tie" of the West.

- BEST: the discs are cheaper, as well as clothing (including jeans), electronics (computers, mobile phones, cameras ...) or sports equipment. Think you pay the tax. Look for sales and promotions (advertised in newspapers)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Useful Addresses

In France

- Canadian Tourism Commission: the Canadian Tourism Commission is no longer represented in France.

- Canadian Embassy: 35, avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris. Mr. Franklin-D. Roosevelt or Alma-Marceau. Tel. : 01-44-43-29-00. Open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and 14 pm to 17 pm. For everything concerning visas, offices are located at 37 Avenue Montaigne, same phone, but only 8 of 30 am to 11 pm.

- Canadian Cultural Centre: 5 rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris. M.: Invalides. Tel. : 01-44-43-21-90. Open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 18 pm (20 pm Thursday). Art gallery and resource center. Various cultural events: music, poetry, theater, cinema, etc..

- France Canada (association): 5, rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris. M.: Invalides. Tel. : 01-45-55-83-65. Open Monday to Friday from 11 am to 16 pm. For any project trips to Canada.

In Belgium

- Embassy of Canada: Avenue de Tervuren, 2, 1040 Brussels. Tel. : 02-741-0611. Open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm 30 and 13 h from 30 to 17 h. Consular Section 9 am to 12 pm or by appointment.

In Switzerland

- Embassy of Canada: Kirchenfelstrasse, 88, 3005 Bern. Tel. : 031-357-32-00. Open Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 17 pm, and Friday from 8 am to 13 pm 30. Consular section open Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 17 pm, and Friday from 8 am to 13 pm 30. Consular section open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 11 pm 30.

Entry Requirements

- Passport valid. A return ticket or onward will be required, as well as evidence of financial responsibility (credit card, traveler's checks ...). Children (under 14) already on a parent's passport do not require individual passport. Before departure, you are advised to check these procedures on the website of the Canadian Embassy.

Caution, if you go to the U.S. from Canada, the entry formalities are stricter: be sure to read the website of the Embassy of the United States before you travel.

- No mandatory vaccination.

- Prohibiting the importation of perishable unsterilized (meat, cheese, biscuits ...) or plants. Only cans are tolerated. A bottle of alcohol per person is permitted.

- Exemptions from taxes, here are the maximum amounts that can be imported into the country without declaring them to customs: 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 200 grams of tobacco, 1.5 liters of wine or 1.1 liters of spirits, perfume in reasonable quantities.

International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

The ISIC prove student status in the world and you can enjoy all the benefits, services, discounts for students from around the transport, accommodation, culture, recreation, shopping ...
The ISIC also provides access to exclusive offers on travel (airfare, hotels and hostels, insurance, SIM cards, car rental ...).

Map to International Youth Hostels (IYH)

The map FUAJ, valid in more than 90 countries, opens the doors of the 4000 hostels in the Hostelling International network spread throughout the world. Opening times vary by country.

The card is mandatory to stay in a youth hostel, so we recommend you get it before you leave.

Friday, February 3, 2012

General Information about Canada

- Area: 9,984,670 sq km (nearly 20 times that of France).
- Population: 33.5 million.
- Density: 3.4 inh. / Km ².
- Capital: Ottawa (Ontario).
- Official Languages: English and French.
- Currency: Canadian dollar.
- Government: parliamentary democracy.
- Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II, represented by Governor General David Lloyd Johnston.
- Head of government: Stephen Harper (Prime Minister, Conservative Party). After the overthrow of his government by a vote of no confidence in March 2011, he was reappointed to his post in May 2011.
- Type of State: Federation (10 provinces and 3 territories).
- World Heritage Sites by UNESCO: the Old City (1985; the old Lunenburg (1995), Nova Scotia; Miguasha National Park (1999), in the Gaspé, the Joggins Fossil Cliffs (2008) , Nova Scotia; the precipice Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump (1981) Rocky Mountain (Canadian Rockies, 1984 and extended in 1990), Waterton Lake National Park (1995), Dinosaur Provincial Park (1979); the Rideau Canal, which stretches north from Ottawa to Kingston Harbour on Lake Ontario to the south (2007).


Canada is now the ninth largest in the world economy, with GDP per capita of around 40 000 USD. Mining, electrical, Atlantic lobster, tourists, cars, immigrants, lumber and pulp, oil sands, telecommunications, Alberta beef ... all all contribute to Canada's prosperity. Canada receives more immigrants per capita than any other country. It does so partly for humanitarian reasons and to reunite families of immigrants, but it also benefits a lot of this immigration. Immigration in Canada provides capital, expertise, as well as labor cheap.

Canada is a country of natural resources. The deposits of Canada are the new oil emirate, after Saudi Arabia, but the black gold challenges the green future of the country, especially since the widespread availability of energy has made Canada the first consumer in the world in this area.
The Canadian government has succeeded in eliminating one of the worst recurring deficits in industrialized countries, with the help of good economic growth and by reducing its expenditures.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


The mythology of the North still has a bright future ahead. Forests to infinity, sled dogs, thousands of lakes, igloos, returning salmon streams, whales and bears, beavers, lumberjacks and seaplanes ... This fantastical imagery (but true) of Canada has never been so ingrained in European minds today ...

Long time ago that backpackers have discovered Canada. But they roam significantly less that other "Wild West" where stands, immutable, the barrier snowy Rocky Mountains. The trees lining the landscape to the ends of the Far North, where shines the summer sun that seems to refuse to lie. In Canada, the man bows to nature: he learned to live with his enthusiasm to better appreciate the rugged beauty that captivates by its immensity.

In Canada, winter, snow is a mess all the land of a white sweatshirt: you can ski out of breath. Spring comes, whose sweetness revives forests. The green chlorophyll infuses the landscape, announcing the carpet of flowers of summer in the mountains. On the coast, the orcas return, sailing alongside the kayaks. In the fall, finally, maple and birch ignite the hills of their glowing palette.

Settlers on the ranches of Alberta or in the mountain national parks, meeting with the Great West will live up to your expectations.