Money, banking, foreign exchange of Brazil - The Traveller


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Money, banking, foreign exchange of Brazil

The currency of Brazil is the real. Its rate is quite fluctuating, but mid-2011, this gives approximately: R 1 = € 0.45 or € 1 = 2.25 Rls. To have reais, two solutions: change or withdrawal by card at ATMs, many in the country.

- To change, we strongly recommend to visit the cambios (bureaux de change), present in every city of any importance, rather than in the Banco do Brasil, which take a high commission. It changes the euro cash at a price not less favorable than the dollar. Attention, they do not change traveler's checks. For that, you must go to certain agencies of Banco do Brasil, but the commission of these is even stronger than for the species! In short, it is better to go with the euro in cash and a Visa or MasterCard.

- Visa and MasterCard: include a commission (7-8 €) but, as is done at the official rate of the day, this is not necessarily less favorable than if you change your euros in currency exchange.
Payment cards are also accepted in most hotels and restaurants of a certain category, and in a lot of shops and boutiques. The transaction is safe and is performed at the official rate of the day.

- Important: If you plan a trip of several days away from major cities, make sure you have enough reserves, as it will be difficult or impossible to change or withdraw cash with a credit card . In these places, it is better also bring small bills.


With the rise in the real for some time, Brazil has become a rather expensive country. In some cities, the cost of living is even close enough to what it is here. Even the cities of the Amazon are not that cheap. However, in the interior regions, the cost of living remains very affordable.
The price ranges are approximate. They can vary from one region or one city to another.


On the coast, particularly in the Northeast, many hotels and pousadas have tariffs high season, roughly from mid-December until February carnival. In July and August, prices are also experiencing an inflationary fever. In low season you can expect lower rates of 10 to 25%.

- In tourist areas, hotels also tend to impose a Pacot during peak periods: it is a minimum stay of 3 to 5 nights at prices significantly inflated.

- In the great majority of cases, breakfast is included in the price of the room.

- Sometimes some institutions (category "Chic") add a tax of 5 to 15%.

- You can sometimes get a discount (10-20%) by paying cash, even if you stay more than one night.

Prices below are for a double room.

- Budget: less than Rls 80 (€ 36).

- Average Prices: 80 to 120 Rls (about 36-54 €).

- More chic: from 120 to 180 Rls (about 54-80 €).


Prices are those we give you a full meal, essentially a flat, generally quite rich à la carte dishes are usually for two people.

- Inexpensive: less than 20 Rls (about € 9)

- Average Prices: 20 to 35 Rls (about 9 to € 16).

- More chic: Rls 35 to 50 (about 16 to € 22).


You'll still be able to do some good shopping at reasonable prices.

- In the North and the Amazon (Manaus, Belem, Macapá ...): woven bags and hammocks, ceramics, stoneware, pottery and the famous island of Marajó. Basketry, colorful necklaces with many seeds.

- In Pernambuco famous terracotta figurines naive, brightly painted, depicting scenes from everyday life.

- In El Salvador and Bahia state, why not a tracksuit capoeira? The "Rastas" are the most common. Prefer the official mark Afro Bahia. Havaianas flip flops, and fitas of Nosso Senhor do Bomfin, small woven bracelets good luck charm.

- On the coast, from Rio to Salvador: bikinis. For men, the lycra shorty version year 1950 is a must (!). To complete the range, sarongs and flip flops Havaianas.

- In the Minas Gerais: beautiful objects made of "soapstone," a smooth stone and marble. Semi-precious stones, including amethyst.

- From Fortaleza to Recife: white doilies, lace, colorful blankets.

- The region of Natal: small glass bottles containing exotic landscapes.

- The Pantanal region: ceramics, wood objects, fabric.

- Turning to gastronomy, in Belém, wholesale candy dough fruit coated with chocolate. In Salvador, the goiabada (guava paste) and cocadinha da Bahia, confectionery coconut.

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