Lifestyle In Bolivia - The Traveller


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lifestyle In Bolivia


Knowledge of Spanish is really an advantage. For the benefit of the trip is also in discussions with the population and few Peruvians or Bolivians speak English.
If you have no knowledge of Spanish, learn a few words and still make a mix "frangnol" is sometimes very understandable. Hard-core backpackers who have learned some Quechua Language to O will be rewarded!


The Post called ECOBOL (Empresa de Correos de Bolivia). The services have improved in major cities. To address mail to (no valuables!): Recipient's name and correo central city name, Bolivia, South America (specify the continent, sometimes the letters arrive in Libya!). It will then ask the window to search by the first letter of your name. The price of postage to Europe is 9 Bs Count 5 days on average in the direction France to Bolivia, one month to send beautiful postcards of the Salar! However, if you put them in envelopes, count 10 days.  The parcel to France is quite safe (around 20 days).

Telephone and telecommunications

International Communications

- From France to Bolivia: 00-591, and city code and subscriber number.
- From Bolivia to France: 00-33 + operator code (10 for ENTEL, if not 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15 competitors) + number (9 digits without the leading 0).

It is best to visit the major cities ENTEL to buy a phone card (UNICE) Scratch (from 12 B's, or € 1.20) avoids paying the sum of three minutes each call. There are also card phones (chip) on the streets, airports, post office and some hotels. PCV in France possible. Other operators also offer promos interesting point.


This is where it gets complicated ... Some numbers are slow to be connected in the new numbering. Check the numbers in advance. As for laptops, Bolivians themselves lose their Latin ...

- To call a Bolivian city to another, dial 0, then the city code followed by the telephone number to 7 digits.

- For more information local phone: 104.

The network ENTEL

The trick for urgent communications is to take advantage of an excellent service (cheap also) made available by ENTEL, the local Telecom. Public booths exist in every office ENTEL Bolivia.

You can send and receive faxes anywhere in the world. Just put the first and last name of the person, c / o ENTEL Cabina public (or the phone number of the hotel where you stay Bolivia: it is obvious that it is in the same city as where you can take your fax), then go claim your message with an ID.

For calls, new companies (VIVA COTAS, Telecel ...) compete more networks ENTEL. In large cities, their rates are often much more attractive.


Internet is widely used in Bolivia. In a city, it is always possible to connect from home or an Internet cafe ENTEL. In all cases, prices are almost identical. Takes about 2-4 hours of Bs in major cities like La Paz, Santa Cruz and Sucre, but up to 5 times more expensive in the more remote as Rurrenabaque or Coroico.
To avoid entanglements, we urge you to mark on paper the precise time that you logged.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your post,I guess I am off to Bolivia :). Nevertheless,this is an interesting read indeed.

