Brazil In General - The Traveller


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Brazil In General

When it was 12 in France, it is 9am in Brasilia between October and February and 7 am between March and September. Brazil is divided into four time zones, with 1 hour for each shift (from February to October). Only the Brasilia time zone changes from hour to October (+ 1 hour) and February (- 1 hour), but beware, some cities of that time do not change (eg Belém retains the same time all year) unless the following year, the authorities decide to act any differently! You follow?


From one region to another, the catch is fed either 110 V or 220 V, with two-pin plugs. The ideal is therefore to provide an adapter to buy, preferably before you leave, because we do not find that easy there.


Two prices for single or preferential, the latter being more expensive but faster. Count 7 to 10 days minimum for your mail reaches its destination (sometimes less than Rio or Sao Paolo). Posted in the mailbox traditional letters take a little longer to get to Europe.

Telephone and telecommunications


- From France to Brazil: 00 + 55 + city code (without the first 0) + number.
- From Brazil to France: 00 + an operator number (eg 021) + 33 + number without the first 0.
- Calls interiors: from one city to another, theoretically, should dial an operator (eg 021) + city code (without the first 0) + number. On appeal urban theoretically always, dial the number directly from the peer.
- Telephone information in Brazil city code which is called followed by 102.

It's complicated and the operation is frankly uncertain. Local dialing is 8 digits (after the code). In addition, there are several private operators. The most common is the 021 works throughout the country, you can also use the 023 or 031. Thus, to call Rio to Sao Paulo (code 11) must be: 021 (or 023 or 031) + 11 + correspondent's number.

In practice it is often subject to some trial and error before you get to reach the desired number ...

Calling cards and collect calls

You can call the "big ears" (orelhão in Brazil), which are public telephones. Some who are marked CSD, can only make calls national. For international calls, you need a phone CDI (it is written above), normally not too difficult to find. They work with cards (cartão - pronounced "box"), IO cards, on sale in post offices, some newsagents or call centers, but for international calls, it's better really to get a card code Pine, who can talk much longer. Otherwise, some cities have call center with cabins, which can be called directly or after buying a card at the counter. Reduction in the evening (from 18h) and Sunday. price per minute. Avoid calling from hotels, it is always (much) more expensive. For collect calls (a cobrar / collect call), you can use the services of Embratel (in Portuguese or English) 0800-703-21-11 (also works from a booth).

Mobile Phones

Normally, the latest mobile phones operate in the country. Just make sure with your operator that you have activated the "world". Another option, less expensive, is to buy a SIM card (for about ten reais) in a booth or a mobile phone shop. You then assign a local phone number and a small call credit.


There are places to surf everywhere, including in some small towns. They are usually open from morning to night without interruption. Starting from February to May Rls for 1h. Most also allow use Skype at no additional cost. Otherwise, many hotels and AJ have a terminal connected to the Internet, pay or not. And it is sometimes possible to get free in some French Alliances and some post offices.

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