
Friday, December 9, 2011

Geography, climate and weather Belize

Nearly three-quarters of its surface is covered by rainforest that clings like a green mantle, the sides of a chain of small mountains better known as the Maya Mountains. Maya through the mountains inland from the northeast to the southwest. The highest point is Mount Victoria (1225 m). Strange and beautiful area, unspoiled and unexplored, which is beginning to be highlighted and a ride where the slightest scent of distant expedition.

In this appendix east of the great forest of Petén, there are all sorts of valuable species: mahogany, cedar, rosewood, sapodilla (for the chicle used to make chewing gum). This mountainous terrain is crossed by waterfalls, waterfalls and many rivers where you can practice rafting, tubing or canoeing. It is also studded with numerous caves, some exceptional, where it has found traces of Mayan rituals that we visit in the state.

The water, dense vegetation, a small human presence: all the conditions are right for them bloom several rare animal species. So it does one encounter the black howler monkey, whose cry is hoarse and powerful audible over 1 km! It also crosses the tapir (mountain cow), unusual quadruped nosed shaped trunk. It is also one of the few countries where one can still glimpse jaguars.

For several years, authorities have made great efforts to safeguard this heritage by creating parks and protected reserves.

Behind the scenes

This program of environmental protection, developed for this very small country, has stalled. And the site of UNESCO, inscribed in 2009 on the list of World Heritage in Danger, shows how environmental policy is vigilant at all times, which should reflect a firm. However, the moratorium on mangrove destruction was completed in 2008. UNESCO therefore requests the renewal of the ban and calls for a controlled development of the coast, the reef and making it his wealth (lagoons, islands, atolls, mangroves and estuaries).

Waste management is another serious challenge to the authorities. All mains drainage is far from widespread, waste water often end up in the sea, not far from the coast, if not right on. While the fumes from landfills stink along the roads, everything is burned. Small cays inhabited without clean water resources, regularly experience water stress. Private companies, some lodges for example, take care of the problem and are working to energy self-treat their waste, thereby enhancing eco-tourism carrier. But these initiatives are currently isolated. Still areas to be cleared for an environmental policy major who faces a lack of obvious.


As in Yucatan, and probably more pronounced, the climate in Belize is subtropical, that is to say, hot and humid. Inside the country, in the mountains Maya (Maya Mountains), the days are a bit cooler because of the altitude, while in a small cays blowing wind that is not unpleasant. The dry season lasts from February to April in the northern half of the country. But in reality, it often rains in Belize.

The ideal time, in our opinion, is between January and April: heat bearable, beautiful light, almost no rain, a wave of freshness is not excluded at this season: take a sweater. From June to August, the tropical rains sometimes daily and often violent. A lot of storms this season. It should be noted that there is a short period of drought in the middle of August.

Belize is a subscriber to hurricanes in the Caribbean. On several occasions - 1931, 1961, 1978 and 2001 - his ribs were blown by deadly hurricanes. Do not worry, this happens when not even every day. And when the calamity comes, she always looks before striking. You will have time to pack. As for Belizeans, they should follow the recommendations of use.

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