There are many cheap hotels, if we accept a minimum of comfort. It is still better to sleep in his sleeping bag on the bed or in his sleeping bag in the tropics. Although these addresses are often very clean, furniture is usually outdated or dilapidated, lived well mattresses and sheets are nickel but a little thin ... Remember to bring a pair of flip flops or plastic sandals, always practical when making use of shared bathrooms.
Pensions (or residential) are interesting because they offer discounted prices when you stay several days. There are taxes (usually included in small hotels).
The cheapest hotels are called Alojamientos. The breakfast is rarely included in the price.
There are more and more boutique hotels in price quite reasonable. These hotels, the category "average prices" have the advantage of combining a certain comfort, original decoration, an owner's commitment to quality care and often a central location.
In this category of hotels, called Hostal, the city of Sucre won the best score, followed by La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. Of course, in places like Coroico, Sorata, the Jesuit missions, there are also hotels that will appeal to backpackers. Even the cold city of Uyuni is one now.
Lovers of big hotels with marble bar, pool and beautiful hostesses at the reception will be interested in La Paz, Cochabamba and especially in Santa Cruz.
Pensions (or residential) are interesting because they offer discounted prices when you stay several days. There are taxes (usually included in small hotels).
The cheapest hotels are called Alojamientos. The breakfast is rarely included in the price.
There are more and more boutique hotels in price quite reasonable. These hotels, the category "average prices" have the advantage of combining a certain comfort, original decoration, an owner's commitment to quality care and often a central location.
In this category of hotels, called Hostal, the city of Sucre won the best score, followed by La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. Of course, in places like Coroico, Sorata, the Jesuit missions, there are also hotels that will appeal to backpackers. Even the cold city of Uyuni is one now.
Lovers of big hotels with marble bar, pool and beautiful hostesses at the reception will be interested in La Paz, Cochabamba and especially in Santa Cruz.
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