In Belize, multi-ethnic society is largely mixed. The Creoles, descendants of slaves, were long the dominant group, but they are more than 30%. They are now overtaken by mestizos, Hispanic origin Mayan-Spanish, representing 44% of the population. The first was the Yucatecan who fled the war of the Castes in the nineteenth century (located mostly in the North), followed more recently by many Central American refugees escaping to dictatorships and civil wars.
The Garinagu (singular Garifuna), Black Caribbean Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, are about 6% and live on the coast, around Dangriga (see in this city), Georgetown and also Belize City and Belmopan. They are Catholic.
To which we must add 7% Indian and mopane Kekchi that inhabit the deep South mountainous and wooded. This curious "Babel tropical" would be incomplete without the thousands of Chinese, Arabs and Indians (from India) who work in trade. The few whites are either descendants of English settlers, or Mennonites.
The Garinagu (singular Garifuna), Black Caribbean Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, are about 6% and live on the coast, around Dangriga (see in this city), Georgetown and also Belize City and Belmopan. They are Catholic.
To which we must add 7% Indian and mopane Kekchi that inhabit the deep South mountainous and wooded. This curious "Babel tropical" would be incomplete without the thousands of Chinese, Arabs and Indians (from India) who work in trade. The few whites are either descendants of English settlers, or Mennonites.